Where has the time gone? It seems like such a cliché, but it's so true. It feels like yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital and started our life as a family of 3. You are almost 2 now and it is very bittersweet. I love watching you grow into such a little lady. You say please and thank you and yes m'am and no m'am, but even more, you are the most caring person. You are my baby girl, but you check on me to make sure I'm okay and just recently you started saying "I love you" to daddy and me, completely unprompted. It melts my heart.
I look forward to so many things with you: playing Barbies (which you just recently discovered), playing dress-up, having slumber parties with your friends, getting manicures together, just to name a few. You make my days brighter and I never imagined that God would bless your daddy and me so much. You are our gift and we promise to always cherish you. Thank you for being such an incredible baby girl. I pray that Jesus will be your Savior and that you will be as happy as can be always and forever! We love you sweet girl.

This is so sweet! Your baby girl as the cutest!
so sweet!!!
That is so sweet! I hope you print it out and save it for her. :)
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