It's OK!
...to be extremely annoyed when people keep secrets (i.e.: sex of babies, names, news, etc)!! I'm way too impatient!
...to not send Christmas cards this year. I love to do it but people don't keep them so I don't really want to spend the money.
...to be super excited about my Christmas bonus even though it's all going in savings or to bills!
...to eat pb&j for breakfast.
...to VOLUNTEER to work on a Saturday. I'm that desperate for extra $$ I guess!
...to just know I won't like a book and then get sucked in after the first 5 pages. (The Hunger Games)
...to be super excited about M's bday party because I'll get to play skee ball! :)
Happy Thursday y'all!
So excited you love the book. And I actually do keep the personalized Christmas cards :-)
Mmmmm PB&J! Yum :-)
I always feel like a jerk when I'm like, "No. I know that you don't like "science fiction" but I'M TELLING YOU, you will LOVE the Hunger Games" Hahaha ;-) Glad you love the books too!
Hunger Games = Best young adult books! LOVE THEM and can't wait for the movie!
I think people have the right to keep baby things a secret. I technically didn't care about finding out but my husband wants to know and then if it's a girl, there will be all this pressure about what the name is. AND THEN getting advice about the names you decide on as if that is anyone else's business!
Skee ball is the Shizzit!! I always get way too excited when I make the ball in the smallest hole!!
I'm the same about the Christmas bonus. Love skee ball!! Have fun :)
I keep xmas cards with pictures!!! and hunger games is so good!
Ahh the Hunger Games is so amazing. Happy reading!
ahhh I hate when people keep fun secrets too!
I am going to start the Hunger Games this week..
OMG I'm so with you on the first one. I could NEVER EVER hold that type of a secret or even wait until the baby is born to find out. I would for sure have a heart attack waiting! haha. And skeet ball?! I wanna join!
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