Okay, who watches Big Brother?!
I love double eliminations!! And I'm super excited that Britney is still around. It's down to the Top 5. So bittersweet!!
I think Britney or Ragan will be out next week, unfortunately. :( I could see Lane winning the whole thing; he hasn't really made any enemies, so he'd get the jury votes. Enzo isn't really competitive enough, in my opinion & Hayden is just kinda "there." I'm so anxious! Sunday, please hurry up!
What are y'alls predicitions? Are you Team Britney like me? :)
PS. I found these pictures of Ragan wearing Enzo's penguin suit. Too funny!
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
I love Big Brother. And am so glad this season finally got interesting in the last 2 weeks. I think Lane could win it all. And you are right Enzo has just been floating along.
I would love to see Brittany go just so I don't have to see the Razerback shirts anymore.
I'm pretty much obsessed with Big Brother! I read the blog that spoils every thing for me. So glad Britney is still in the house :) I hope she makes it to the final 3. Enzo is my fav. though because of the things he says haha.
this is the big brother blog i read:
Yes, I am a BB fan and I love Britney! She's so witty!
This is one of my favorite seasons yet. So much drama! :)
Can't wait for tonight.
I am Team Britney all the way!!
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