1. How many pets do you have?
Zero. What a boring answer. If I did have pets though, I'd already have gray hair. I can assure you of that.
2. If you could switch places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
Dang. This is tough! So I considered Carrie Underwood & the President (no thanks). Then realized I wouldn't want to be in a famous person's shoes. I think I'd really like to trade places with someone like Mother Teresa (if she were still alive). So I'll say a missionary. I did a few weeks of mission work in my teens (dang, I sound OLD) and it was the most rewarding feeling. I would love to be able to go back to a third world country, or even somewhere that needed help in America, and serve for a day. I really miss being involved with mission work and hope to continue it once little Madi T gets a bit older.
3. What is your favorite money saving tip?
BAHAHAHAHAHA. You are asking the WRONG person. My answer is - coupon codes. And guess how many times I've used them? Once. I stink at saving money!! In all seriousness though, I do want to get better at this. Some of my friends have found a new coupon site, Southern Savers, and they have been saving crazy amounts of money on groceries. I'm going to have to get them to explain it to me and then I'll explain it to you guys. Unless of course y'all figure it out first. I think I'm just too impatient to read all of the info.
4. What do you want your kids to be when they grow up?
This is going to sound totally cliche, but I really want Madi to be whatever makes her happy. Okay, back up - if that means being a stripper (no offense to strippers of the world), then no I do not want her to be one of those. But, I really just pray that she will have passion for something and pursue it. I wanted to be a teacher since I was 2 years old and let my fear of public speaking hold me back. I majored in English and now I work in the insurance field. This isn't horrible by any means, but I'd much rather her do something she loves than something that she just settles for.
Sorry, I'm in a "talkative" mood...
5. What is your favorite quote?
My "go-to" quote is : "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." -Phil 4:13
Funny quote: "I feel like I just found out my favorite love song is about a sandwich." -27 Dresses
Song quote: "Laughter is my soul's release." -Goo Goo Dolls
TV quote: "Life's short; talk fast." - The Gilmore Girls
& a little dose of Madi T to brighten your day:
Have a great weekend y'all! <3
First, I love your name! It's so different :) Your little girl is absolutely adorable!!
Cute blog :)
What a cutie!
I loved your quotes! The Gilmore girls was seriously one of the best shows ever! I think there will be a lot of us wrote very similar answers for number 4! I think it is good to know there are so many parents out there that just want their kids to be happy, and don't have some crazy unrealistic expectations. Visiting from five question friday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Found you through 5?F...love your blog name! I too am a babbling brunette! I am going to follow now!!
Hey! Im a new follower! I love your blog, and yes the Gilmore girls was awesome great quote, man i miss that show! have you watched her new show parenthood? its just as good i love it, cant wait till the new season starts! have a great weekend, and if you get a chance stop by and follow me back!
Madi has cute hair, a cute face, and cute clothes! I want to eat her up!
It seems we all have the same answer in regards to our kiddos...happiness is what we wish for them!! Happy 5QF!!
Your daughter is GORGEOUS!
I love your blog name. Clever!
That little dose of Madi was just enough to pep me up! I am in love with her leggings :)
She is soooo cute!! I too said I wanted my girls to be happy. I didn't include that "profession" but I was thinking...ok, happy doing anything but that!! lol!!
Have a great weekend!
From one chatty brunette to another, I enjoyed reading your post on my first stop by. :> And your daughter is oh so adorable!! :>:>
I found you thru the link on 5QF. I love your answers :) Your little girl is PRECIOUS!!! The part about wanting her to be happy but not a stripper made me laugh!!
Madi is adorable. I indclude Ms. Diva pics in my answer today too! Funny how similiar different people's answer can be, LOL! Visiting from 5QF.
Madi is sweet as a peach!
Love your blog and had fun reading your responses.
Hopping over from 5QF. Great answers! I especially loved the Phil 4:13 and the pic at the end. Cute blog and your "voice of faith" is refreshing!
I love the quote from Gilmore Girls
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