1. What do you do when you have time to yourself?
Ha! Time to myself, that's funny! Well let's see, usually I clean the house or take a shower or ...okay, you get the point. And I guess I should play along. If I have time to myself and actually time to relax I usually waste it away on the computer. I drive myself crazy doing that too! I want to just lay on the couch and watch TV or read a good book, but I have this problem where I always have to be multi-tasking!! So, it's either the computer + tv or tv + food so I'd much rather pick the computer, for my hips sake at least.
2. When you look out your kitchen window, what do you see?
Oh man. This is quite the topic at our house. I see an empty lot with lots of debri and dirt and "forts" made by the neighborhood kids. This lot by our house is a huge eye sore and I can't stand it!! The builders said it would be the last lot they built on, which gave me some hope--because to me that implies that eventually they WILL build on it. This did not happen. The builders have left the neighborhood and I'm left with a big pile of dirt by my house. Oh goodie.
3. Who/what would you want to be reincarnated as?
Well, since this is for FUN I'll play along... :)
I'd want to be a dolphin because everyone loves and adores dolphins!! I mean don't you??? Swimming with dolpins is on my "bucket list" ...the one I keep in my head. I use to seriously want to be on the show Flipper when I was little. Dolphins are sooo cute!!!
4. What is your biggest pet peeve about other people's kids?
Omg good question. Okay so it drives me nuts to see - excuse the grossness - snot, on kid's faces. WIPE YOUR KID'S FACE!!!! Ew it's just gross. I know it happens, but that's why God gave us tissues and wipes and toilet paper.
I think a good question for next week would be, What is your biggest pet peeve about other kid's parents. Now that, I could write a novel about.
5. Regular or diet soda?
DIET COKE!!!! I am a diet coke-aholic. I used to drink about 5 a day, but now I'm down to 2. Yay me! I really am starting to think the "myth" that it increases your appetite is true. Darnit.
Yay for Friday! Link up and have fun!

and don't forget about Follow Friday!!

Great answers! You HAVE to swim with dolphins. We did it on our honeymoon and there are not words to describe it. This huge animal exudes a sweet and pakyful character...so awesome!!
Visiting from FQF! Have a great weekend!
I agree. Swimming with dolphins is awesome! We went while on a cruise to Mexico and it's a lot cheaper than in the states. :)
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