Well, at least for 2 days. That's more than I will be able to say next Friday when I have to work on the weekend. I thought I had an office job for a reason. Apparently not. Apart from the weekend ahead, my other favorite thing about Friday is Five Question Friday!

1. What is the first nightmare you remember?
The first nightmare I can remember was set at a blue hotel and this man (I'm assuming?!) kept chasing me around and around the hotel. The reason this is significant and sticks out in my mind is that I've had it like 3 times before. The same dream! Kinda creepy to me.
2. Even if you're not a sports fan, what's your favorite sport to play/watch?
Okay I know gymnastics and ice skating are considered sports, but I'm assuming this question is geared more towards traditional sports like football, baseball, soccer, etc. (I'm pointing this out because I would chose gymnastics...)
I am by no means a sports fan, but this year I've found myself wanting to keep up with the Gamecocks. As y'all know I went to the first game and from what I could tell they are playing really well this year. Now that means pretty much nothing but still. I think I may watch the game tomorrow...if it's on TV.
3. If you could pull off one piece of trendy fashion, what would you want it to be (jeggings, hats, thigh high boots, etc.)?
This one was easy - pumps. I cannot for the life of me get my feet in those things. I seriously don't understand how y'all do it!!! I bought a pair about 2 years ago determined that if I bought them I'd make myself figure it out. Well, they are sitting in my closet, unworn and now have a friend when I had another epiphany a few months ago. I seriously am in love with these shoes but just can't wear them. Someone please help!!
4. Did you make good grades in school?
Hmm..high school? No, not at all. I totally did not apply myself or care at all. I somehow had a 3.0 at the end of my senior year but that was simply by God's grace. That is the only explanation.
College? Yes. I studied a lot! Still not as much as I should have. I think I could have made all A's if I worked at it but I was happy with my 3.3-3.5 all 4 years!
5. What magazines do you subscribe to?
Currently, none. I am only about 20 coke points away from getting Cosmopolitan for a year! Woot!! I always get my magazine subscriptions through (diet) coke rewards points. Free magazine subscriptions are fabulous! Oh and my mother-in-law usually gives me her People magazines after she reads them so that's always nice too!
Also check out Follow Friday over at Maryland Pink and Green!

You can get magazine subscriptions from Coke Rewards? I was not aware of that! Now I'm going to have to start saving mine. Except I drink more Dr. Pepper than Coke. Can you get magazine subscriptions from Dr. Pepper?
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