Madi went on her first ride!! (She's been on the carousel at the mall but I don't count that as a ride.) She really enjoyed it. I didn't spin it because I thought it may make her sick but she did it all by herself and had so much fun! I think she's going to be a ride enthusiast like her momma!
And she also got her first
Today we didn't really do much at all. Madi and I went to Wal-Mart this morning to get groceries. On the way home I noticed the leaves were falling and the trees are changing colors! I don't think I've ever really paid attention before. It's sooo pretty!
This picture doesn't do it justice, and yes I know I shouldn't have taken a picture while driving. Whoops.
So it's official, Fall is here and my baby girl is growing up!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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