1. If you could have any talent and turn it into an occupation, what would it be?
This is easy. I wish I could paint. Or draw, or design. Basically I wish I was an artist. I think it would so awesome to be able to basically decorate my house in own artwork and also make a career out of doing something I love. My dad was a very talented painter, unfortunately he didn't pass those genes onto me. I think Madi is going to be an artist though. She shows a lot of potential!
2. Would you rather have a house at the beach or a cabin in the woods?
Hubs and I were just talking about this today actually. We often discuss where we want to retire. I say the beach and he says the mountains. I just think I'd be bored in the mountains. I hate nature, so doesn't the beach make more sense for me? Plus I'd be encouraged to stay in shape. If I lived in the mountains I'd bake all day long, and then eat what I baked. So, the beach it is.
3. Is there any meaning or reasoning for the names you chose for your child/children?
Hubs & I both love the name Madison. There isn't any significance other than the fact that I think it is the ONLY name we agreed on. I wanted to name her something uncommon, like my name but he didn't like anything I came up with. I actually suggested Madison when we first started thinking of names and he said he didn't like it, then a few months later he was like "hey, what about Madison?" and I was like "seriously?" So I think he just wanted to say it was "his idea." :)
Her middle name is the name with meaning to us. She was named after my cousin who passed away shortly before I became pregnant. I like being able to tell Madi about her middle name and in turn letting her know more about my dear cousin.
4. What is your guilty pleasure?
Ohhhh man. My easy answer is reality tv. But that's more like a staple in my life. I actually think my guilty pleasure is chips & dip. Yes, I picked food. I always feel guilty when eating chips & dip and I don't do it often at all, but when I do I'm very relaxed. Crap, now I want chips & dip.
5. Do you live in a house that is "deep cleaned or straightened?"
Bahahaha. Deep cleaned. That's funny. When we first moved in this house, I had dreams of washing the baseboards once a week and dusting the blinds once a week and utilizing the really cool way that my windows can flip to the inside so I can clean the outside... Well, we've been in this house almost a whole year and I have done 1 out of 3. I dusted the blinds, half-butt. I need a maid.
I do keep my house straightened though. On the weekends. When I'm home. And not tired. Like today - I cleaned the downstairs, but now I'm too tired to finish doing the laundry. Ugh.
Oh, I think the maid's here...
Pft. JK. Dear Santa,...

I love the name Madison! Great pick! I also wish I could paint/draw - the best I have is some elaborate stick figures!
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