My best friend is ENGAGED!!!! :) To say I am excited for her is an understatement!
Congratulations Carrie & Josh!
I got this news on Christmas morning which is another reason it was such a great day! I can't wait to celebrate with them!
In other news, I have to tell you this or I'd just be a horrible friend:
Easy A is a fabulous movie and you must see it asap.
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You know what a classic Mean Girls is right? Well this movie is the new Mean Girls.
I have been looking forward to seeing this movie since it came out to theaters, but since my husband is anti-chick flick I had to wait. I finally watched it on Friday (and again today). Obviously, it did not disappoint.
Emma Stone plays a whitty teenager who gets caught up in the rumor mill at her high school. It's hilarious and perfect girl night material. Plus, Penn Badgley is in it, and who wouldn't want to watch him for 2 hours?
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Congratulations to your best friend! That's so exciting! I wish her and hubby-to-be the best :) And I just watched Easy A last week... You're right, it's SO good! My roommates and I have already decided to make a girls night of it when we get back, so we can all watch it together.
I just got Easy A in the mail today via Netflix! I'm so excited!!
Congrats to your BFF! Such fun news :-) I can't wait to see "Easy A" as well-- my husband and I love Emma Stone (she's sooo funny!) so it's definitely on the top of our Netflix!
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