I do not want to go back to work tomorrow. This weekend went by way too fast.
Friday night we went to Copper River Grille to celebrate my mom & my brother's birthdays. My mom's was on Friday and my brother's 18th!!! birthday was on Saturday! The food was great and we all had a great time!
I forgot my camera so forgive the dark, cell phone pics.
Saturday morning I went to work and then that afternoon Carrie came down and we had a girl's day with Madi T! We had so much fun!! We went to lunch and then got our nails did...
and of course there was shopping involved! Well, at least an attempt. The mall was SO crowded. Oh my gosh, I don't know if it was because it was raining and no one wanted to be stuck in the house but it felt like it was Christmas or something! Horrible for 2 girls who hate crowds, oh and a huge mall stroller. Why don't they make stores more stroller accessible?! Anyway! We had a great time, but did not find shoes. That was our mission. Fail. Oh well, it just gives us an excuse to have a repeat session asap! :) We had a lot of laughs and had fun browsing! Madi T was great fun too! She loves Carrie and talked her ear off!
Super Bowl Sunday was spent at church, then lunch out and a quick trip to Target. I also finally cleaned the house! Like really cleaned. It needed it and I'm still not finished but at least it's looking (and smelling) better! Ha! Tonight we had the Moore's over to watch the Super Bowl! Baker is getting so big and was super talkative tonight! Madi got a little jealous when Justin and I played with him. I can't wait until they are both at the age when they play together and not side by side!
Another great weekend with great friends! What did y'all do this weekend?

Sounds like a fabulous weekend!
Sounds like a fun weekend
Looks like you had a fun weekend. Nails and shopping makes any weekend a good one! :)
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