All You Need is Love Challenge
Day 8: Whether in love or out, on Valentine's Day I {LOVE} to...
I've never been much of a Valentine's Day fan, so this holiday isn't hugely celebrated at our house. But, now that we have a little Miss Madi we do like to give her a fun present to open. Hubs and I also exchange cards and this year we got our presents early. I got him a watch and he got me that pretty Coach purse. Granted, we probably would have gotten these things anyway but it makes us feel less "guilty" to say it's for a holiday. :)
Anyway, I'll answer the question now! I do not like to go out on Valentine's Day. It's way too crowded and I would just much rather stay at home and watch movies with my family. And that's just what we plan on doing (while eating chocolate preferably). Perfect night in my book!
Come back tomorrow to see what my swap partner Kit sent me!
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As I mentioned last week Mondays are now "Madi Moment Mondays" here!
Keeping in the spirit of Valentine's Day, here are a few sweet things Madi said this week:
- "Mommy, you are my best friend." --talk about melting my heart!
- To Justin & me - "I love you guys!" while reaching to give us both hugs. :)
one from the archives-7 months old
I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day and I can't wait to read all about what everyone did!

aww great post! i nominated your blog for the versatile blog award! check my blog to see what you need to do :)
How sweet! We did our V-Day this weekend - I'm definitely not going out tonight! In fact, hubby is bowling in his league tonight! ha!
Happy Valentine's Day to you! That would melt my heart too if GG said that to me! Sooo sweet!
Such a sweet post! So glad you linked up for the challenge girl!
Happy Heart Day!
I have never been big in celebrating valetine's day either.
Sweet post! Hope y'all have had a great Valentine's Day!
Awww, "I love you guys" TOO CUTE!! :-D We have never really celebrated V-Day but I was just thinking how when we have kids we'll probably start it up because it's just too much fun to buy little kiddo presents like that!
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