**Caution: If you are easily grossed out you probably don't want to read this.**
Be careful what you pray for because you just might get it...
First let me apologize if this post makes no sense. I am on a lot of pain meds and it's very hard to type but I want to fill y'all in.
Thursday night I prayed to be more like my old self. Lately I have just been really down and maybe even a bit depressed. I haven't been playing with Madi as much and I haven't been a very nice wife. I prayed for God to help me be a better mother and wife and to help get me out of my depression. I prayed He would help me feel like myself again.
Friday morning when I went to get into my car my nose started gushing blood. I'm talking like pouring blood. So I asked Justin to get me a towel, he went inside and got me a few paper towels. Not gonna work buddy! He had to get me a big towel so I could get inside without getting blood everywhere. I stayed in our downstairs bathroom for 20 minutes just pouring blood from my mouth and nose. Finally Justin called 911 and an ambulance arrived 20 minutes later. At that point a clot had formed so I wasn't bleeding. The paramedics saw that my bathroom looked like a crime scene, saw my face, and decided I definitely needed to to go the hospital. The minute I got into the ambulance my nose started bleeding again. I coughed up blood clots from my mouth. It was awful. The paramedic was even about to get sick!!
So VERY long story short - I soaked 3 towels at home, over 10 cloths in the ambulance and 4 of those huge throw up buckets in the hospital. The worst part was coughing up the HUGE blood clots out of my throat. It was awful. I have never been so scared in my life. None of the nurses knew what to do. I felt like a freak show. Everyone who walked in just stopped and stared. I threw up and had blood coming out of my nose for about 3 hours straight. The hospital called their on-call ENT and she arrived very quickly and said I needed to go to the OR for surgery immediately. She was the nicest person and a great doctor. They got me back to the OR in about 30 minutes. To stop the bleeding she had to cauterized the tissues in my nose and spray surgical foam. She also pumped 100 cc's (about the amount in a coke can) of blood out of my stomach.
She said it looked like I had started bleeding Thursday night in my sleep which filled my entire right sinus with blood, made a clot from my nose to my throat and when I bent down the next morning the clot broke.
I was in recovery for about 2 hours. On the way home I had a seizure. Justin was driving and of course knew what to do since he has them. He took all the proper precautions and called the ER nurse as well. She said it was most likely due to the loss of blood and dehydration. I do not remember the seizure at all. I wouldn't have known if Justin hadn't told me. Then at home I fainted 3 times on the way to the bathroom which is only 15 ft away from our couch.
Needless to say yesterday was quite the ordeal. I drank a lot of water yesterday to prevent any more seizures or fainting. Today I feel worse, but I'm sure that's to be expected. My abs are KILLING me! I bet I have a 6 pack now from using those muscles yesterday! Ha! My meds don't seem to be working either but I've just been resting a lot and hopefully things will be back to normal soon.
But back to the moral of my story - I honestly feel like God answered my pray by having this traumatic event occur yesterday. I don't see how anyone could go through what I went through and not look at life differently. Not to say that I was *close* to dying but I could have aspirated and essentially died. I thought about staying home Friday morning because I didn't feel well and if I had I would have stayed in bed and who knows. All I know is that God had a plan and I really feel like everything happens for a reason. I am sure I will be a better mother and wife now.
Not to say this doesn't SUCK! No Carowinds this weekend, no Usher this weekend, I haven't eaten in 2 days and I hear a constant pounding in my ear. But, it is what is and I'm happy I am no longer bleeding!! My husband is taking great care of me and it is really helping to be in such great care.
Thanks for reading this insanely long post! Xoxo!
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
Oh my God, Brittan!! :-( What a horrible ordeal, I cannot believe you went through that!! I hope your recovery changes directions and starts to be better for you. My gosh, HOW scary. So glad Justin is there for you; it will also make you more appreciative of him too! THINKING OF YOU, friend!! Get well!
Oh my goodness! I am so, so sorry! I am glad you're doing a little better! Thinking of and praying for you! xoxo
Holy cow! I feel so bad you had to go through that. I can't even imagine how terrible that must've felt. I hope you get better soon, and keep drinking that water woman!
Omg! Glad you're okay! Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Oh my goodness!! What a huge ordeal! But such a blessing to have a loving husband watching over you. God definitely gives us what we need, just in different ways :)
Take Care and continued prayers for recovery.
I was literally cringing when I read this honey. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Was there any specific reason you just started bleeding? Even though we don't understand Him sometimes, God does answer our prayers in strange ways. Kori xoxo
OMG! how terrifying!! glad you're ok!
oh my goodness girl! that is scary. i'm so glad that you are doing okay! it's crazy how God works in mysterious ways. i'm proud of you for looking at the bright side of it! it's not always easy to see it that way. praying for a quick recovery! xoxo!
OMG! I know that had to be terrifying for you both. I am glad you are okay now.
Good morning from Tokyo!
Brittan, my goodness what an ordeal. I am so glad that you are allright, and in the warmth and safety of your home. God does answer our prayers, even if they are in strange and sometimes scary ways. I'm glad you're on the road to recovery and pray for a swift return to health.
Thinking of you and yours...
Oh my gosh girl, I'm so sorry you had complications from surgery. I'm glad they got everything under control, and Justin knew what to do when you had your seizure! I'll be praying for you sweet friend! xoxo
Oh my goodness that is so scary!!! Hope you are feeling better very soon!!
Wow, girl! You really went through it this weekend, didn't you? All mine was was allergies and swollen eyes. I'll be praying for you to getbetter soon! Thoughts your ways!
girl. im so so sorry! i will be praying for you and a speedy recovery! sending lots of hugs and get wells to you!
wow girl. that is crazy! you are so right about God. this is the stuff He uses to put things in perspective for you. hope you're better soon!
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