Tuesday, July 26, 2011

...Girl's Weekend continued!

(...continued from yesterday's post)


For those of you not familiar with this - it's the New Kids on the Block & Backstreet Boys!!! IN.CRED.I.BLE. We had awesome seats thanks to Lindsey's amazing seat picking skills. 

See? Awesome.

Lindsey! Soooo excited!

The opener was Matthew Morrison - the teacher on Glee. I've never watched Glee before (I know, I know!) so Lindsey had to tell me who he was. I had no clue but wow he was really impressive! Of course we just wanted to see our teenage heartthrobs!! 

They finally made their appearance and WOW! They did NOT disappoint. I've only been to 3 other concerts so this probably doesn't mean much, but it was the best concert ever!!!!! They performed for 2 1/2 hours which means Lindsey and I were screaming and on our feet for that long too! We sang at the top of our lungs, not even caring that we just met each other 10 hours earlier! I had a blast!! 

AJ (BSB) came out singing ONE ROW OVER from us. We were soooo jealous!!!!

L & I both forgot our cameras so phone pics are the best I have!

Confetti at the end of the show!

Again - Best Concert Ever!!!! I've never danced, sang, and laughed so much in one night! After it was over, we were both so ready to crash but of course we had some candy first. :) A girl's weekend would not be complete without candy! Sunday morning I had to head back early. I can't wait until we can get together again. We even talked on the phone for an hour 1/2 on the way home. I'd say it was a good weekend!


Jennifer said...

That is so awesome! Wish I had someone to go to their concert with. I think I would have died if AJ came over there. Or any of the BSB. I loved them for real!

tara said...

I wish I would have gone to the concert in houston! The NSYNC fan in me just couldnt do it though!

Life With Lauren said...

So glad you both had fun!

flor said...

so glad you had a good time! there really is no comparison to a live concert. it's a pleasure to meet you and your lovely blog.

comment or follow at florecity.blogspot.com

Heather said...

Omg, that looks like so much fun!!! I wish I could have seen them in concert!! :(

Jenna Duty said...

sooooooooo fun!!! i met brian a while back!! soooo nice!! looks likeyou had fun!!

jenna duty


Savanah said...

i saw them in Houston and yes, definitely the best concert ever!!!

Amber said...

I'm so glad you two got to meet and go to the concert, although I'm super jealous! :)

Unknown said...

This concert was so amazing and I had such a blast with you! Can't wait to meet up again!! xo

Ashleigh said...

I went to NKOTBSB in Dallas and it was literally the best night of my life (behind my wedding and birth of my daughter)! I had bruises from dancing so hard!

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