I saw this over at Amber's place and of course I have to do it too. Amber and I both really love to talk about ourselves. :)
I am... a super goofy, not so easy-going, mama, wife, & friend.
I want... to be a good example of a Christian woman to everyone I meet.
I have... a very big appetite. Well...it's true. :)
I wish... that I could stop biting my nails.
I hate... blogger spacing!!
I fear... that I will fail as a mother.
I hear... this super annoying infomercial, and my stomach growling.
I search... for new mascara way too often.
I wonder... where that disc went of Madi's professional photo shoot. Darnit.
I regret... not buying that 2nd romper for Madi at Target. Gotta go back!
I love... pickles. It's the first thing I thought of. That's bad, isn't it?
I never... mow the lawn. Justin or my brother do it.
I ache... after playing with the babies at KidSpring! All that leaning over hurts, but it's so worth it!
I always... wear my seatbelt!
I usually... fall asleep while saying my prayers at night. :(
I am not... a very patient person. I'm working on that.
I dance... with Madi when we are feeling goofy!
I sing... in my car with the sunroof down when I'm by myself!
I sometimes... wonder how I got so lucky!
I cry... much less than I used to.
I am not always... as good of a blogger as I'd like to be. I need to work on my blog commenting!
I lose... things in my purse all the time.
I am confused... 99.9% of the time.
I need... a creative bone in my body.
I should... go shopping. Okay, maybe not should but I do need some new clothes!
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
3 months ago
I fall asleep when I pray at night too! I've started making sure that I have one last thing to do after I pray before I can go to sleep, such as plug my phone into my charger or read another chapter or something so I motivate myself to stay awake haha
I love singing with the sunroof back in the car!
I'm not very easy-going, either. We need to chill out :)
We shall go shopping July 23rd!!
Love this post!! I love pickles and the babies at Kidspring too!! :)
I've purchased 3 tubes of mascara this week, looking for a new one! Haha
you are too cute! I love this. You come with such clever answers:)
I love it! I found a fabulous mascara...I cannot remember what it is, but it's in a fat yellow tube. I really like it...gives me great lashes!
It was fun to get to know you better. You have such witty answers!
Okay I am loving this idea and loving your answers even more :) I'm going to have to do a post on this...
I love finding fellow southern bloggers!! yay!
Ask the Duplex
Yay for talking about ourselves :) FOr the longest time, I bit my nails too. Finally I got acrylics for a while, and now I just paint them a lot so I don't bite them.
I LOVE this design. It's fantastic. I really doubt you need a creative bone in your body...you seem to be doing just fine. And I'm not a mama, but I've heard that anyone that cares enough to worry about failing will probably be better than average. Enjoyed looking around, thought this was as good a place as any to comment. Found you through a link with Kelli.
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