This morning I woke up feeling awful. I could barely talk because my throat hurt so bad and my face hurt from all the congestion and I had a sinus headache. I looked at the clock and realized we were running late for church. Justin had already left so it was just Madi and me. I told her we weren't going to go to church today and she looked at me and said "but I want to go to church Mommy!" Seeing her sweet face, I said "okay but we have to hurry!!" She was an angel. She got ready without fussing and didn't even cry when I brushed her hair (which is usually a nightmare in itself). While I was getting ready she stayed in the bathroom with me and sang a song I recognized. She was singing "all of my days, I want to phrase...something something LORDDD" Phrase instead of praise. :) Totally made me happy. I asked her where she learned that song and she said "at church." Awesome!
So anyway, we got to church in time and I dropped her off at her class as usual. As I was in church and we were singing one of my favorite songs. Specifically, while I was singing the lyrics "You are worthy God," it hit me - my 2 year old daughter got me to church this morning. I was completely humbled. I didn't feel good, didn't feel like rushing and just didn't want to make the effort - but she did. This is something we look forward to every week and this week her excitement was not faded like mine. At that moment I was so incredibly grateful to my little toddler for getting me to church so I could worship our Lord and Savior. Jesus never ran out of energy or motivation to help us so we should never run out of energy to thank Him and worship Him.
I have been feeling really down lately about the kind of mother I am but today I realized that I'm doing okay.
My daughter may eat chicken nuggets 4 times a week.
She may still sleep in our bed.
She may watch way too much tv.
She may still not understand that time out means sit down and be still.
But - she LOVES Jesus and always remembers to say her blessing. She plays "large group" and sings songs from church and she always tells me what she learned in her class. To me - If she loves Jesus at 2 years old and knows He loves her unconditionally then we must be doing something right.
Thank you sweet girl for humbling me today and thank you Jesus, for opening my eyes to see the bigger picture. YOU ARE WORTHY of so so so very much.
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
I love this! Thanks for sharing :)
Don't ever doubt yourself as a mom, Brittan. It is clear that Madi picks up the things that are important- you are a good mommy!! And my daughter eats a lot of junk, btw, she's so picky!
I always thought you are a great mom, Britt. You are too hard on yourself and I am glad Madi reminded you how good you really are!
Jesus trumps chicken nuggets EVERY day! You are an amazing mama and she is an amazing girl!
I'm proud to call you my friend! xo
I think there are worse things than too much tv and chicken nuggets. I think all the love and praise cancels out all the bad. :)
JESUS 4sure trumps chicken nuggets, you're such a sweet Momma and she's blessed to have a Godly Momma in her life for an example!!
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