It's OK!
...that every time I cook it only reiterates why I don't do it often.
...that I jumped for joy when I finally booked Madi's party venue. That is now stress off my shoulders!
...to need a little mommy pat on the back when I'm feeling sorry for myself. Thanks Lindsey! :)
...that it's 9:30 at night and I still haven't eaten dinner. It'll either be doritos or ice cream.
...to randomly quote Despicable Me even though I've never paid much attention to the movie and have no clue what the storyline is.
...to change my mind about things. I do this all the time, if you haven't already noticed. It's who I am. I embrace it, you should too. :)
...to love Jesus with all my heart and be forever grateful that I found an amazing church to worship Him in!!
...to reapply my mascara at least 5 times a day. I'm a bit obsessed.
Link up with Neely & Amber if you want to say "It's OK!"
Hurry up Friday!!!
Hey love if you have my button on your blog you will need to change it to my new URL one, its on my blog now. Thanks again for always linking up! I sooooo appreciate the loyalty! I need a pat on the back sometimes too!
I know what you mean about cooking- I'm the exact same way though I am trying to get better! Your daughter is a cutie-pie. Yay for finding a place for her birthday party. My daughter won't be one until May and I'm already thinking about party details. :)
How the heck do you reapply mascara? Do you wipe off the current and redo it?
I'm totally obsessed with mascara too so i can relate :)
Loving your blog!
-Holly @ Eight Six Eleven
There's a cookbook call The 5 Ingredient Cookbook-- it makes cooking really easy and fun-- just sayin if you want to try again! LOL
New follower. I love your blog!
Oh my word...you have such a cute blog!! :)
And the whole mascara thing...that's me! :)
Loving your blog...from your newest follower!
I loooove Despicable Me!! :-D One quote that we say all of the time, "Baaaanana??" (minion) I've only seen it once... maybe it's time to watch it again!!
I totally forget to eat dinner, then eat junk late at night. Oops!
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