I haven't been on a reading kick these past few weeks which means I have been on a tv kick. Well, hulu kick that is. Here are a few of my fav shows right now!
Pan Am - This show is SO good!! I honestly had no clue what it was about but kept seeing things about it on Twitter. I was bored one night and watched a few minutes on tv, then had to go watch the previous two episodes on hulu. It follows the story of 4 stewardesses of Pan Am and is set in the 1960s. There's a bit of suspense thrown in there too. I love the clothes and the actresses. I find myself smiling at my computer while watching it. Kinda strange, but true!
Criminal Minds - So glad the new season just started. If you've never seen this show you are totally missing out. It's like Law & Order but better. I love L&O: SVU but this show takes it to another level. These detectives are criminal profilers and really study the crimes to figure out the suspect. It's a great show to watch with your spouse!
New Girl - This is a new sitcom about a quirky, unusual girl who moves in with 3 guys. It's hilarious. I laugh out loud and want to be best friends with Jess (Zoey Deschanel). I was looking for another funny, light-hearted show and this is it!
all images via
What have you been watching lately? Do you like these shows?
On another note - THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY!!! This has been such a long week. Tonight I'm going out to dinner with my best friend Melanie and tomorrow I'm going to an out of town baby shower and then to the fair!!! Lots to recap next week. :) Have a great weekend!!
We turned new girl off half way into the first episode...I cant watch that show
I haven't watched Pan Am yet, but I've caught a bit of New Girl and like it!We like Criminal Minds, but LOVE Bones, haha. My favorite is SVU- I can waste away my entire weekend watching USA network :D
New Girl isn't as good as I thought it was going to be but I still watch it. I love the show 2 Broke Girls though on CBS.
I didn't know the new season of Criminal Minds had already started! I'm going to have to look for the first episode online...I love that show!
I didn't want to give The New Girl a try because my DVR is LOADED up with so much stuff. But, the other day I was home all by my lonesome and caught it On Demand. It is really good! I was surprised actually. I think I will add it to my other stuff on the DVR list!
i enjoy pan am and new girl too!! although i am annoyed new girl won't be on for a couple weeks, thanks to the darn world series :(
happy friday!
I am loving The New Girl as well. I was so bummed when I didn't see it on this week I thought it had gotten canceled, but apparently it returns in November.
I LOVE Pan Am and the new girl :)
Douchebag Jar! Love New Girl!
I am also loving Suburgatory and Revenge. I've not caught PanAm yet....trying. Good thing I have On Demand!
I absolutely love New Girl. It's hysterical! :)
Pan Am = LOVE. The time, the clothes, the cast, the story! Love love love!
I keep hearing so many good things about Pan Am...I'm going to try and catch up this weekend!
Hey I am hosting a blogger swap on my blog, it's mainly for people with 101 in 1001 challenge lists, but I saw that you have a 27 before 27 list and thought you might be interested. Please check it out and/or pass it along :) Thanks!!! http://hollyjean331.blogspot.com/2011/10/101-in-1001-challenge-swap.html
Have a great weekend!
Every week I think "Oh, I'm going to watch Pan Am this week!" and then I forget! :( Might have to look online for it!
My husband got home from Afghanistan the second week of October and I've been having him catch up on tv shows with me. He loves New Girl and Pan Am :) YAY
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