Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's OK! {Week 21}

Its Ok Thursdays

It’s OK!

…to feel accomplished when pulling up the bathtub plug with my toes.

…to be super happy when my child falls asleep in the car and stays asleep the rest of the night.

…that I’m a little nervous about taking a 5 ½ hour car trip with a 3 year old by myself.

…that I went to TCBY 3 times last week. 98% fat free yogurt? Yes, please.

…to want to strangle people who reply to every single email I send with a “thanks.” Yes, it’s polite but I don’t need any extra emails!!!!

…to REALLY want a new MK purse but know it’s not going to happen any time soon.

…to be super annoyed that our company took all of our old chairs and replaced them with new, “stiff” chairs. Blahhhhh.

…to love all of you bunches!! Xoxo!


Neely said...

Oh girl I work right near a TCBy its soooo addicting!

B F said...

The car ride will be interesting but im sure she will do just great! If you dont have a portable DVD player, Id invest in one! They are LIFESAVERS in the car! Hope she does great!

and TCBY??? YUM

Erica said...

Get a portable movie player, or your phone with games or something. My niece is 2 and we vacationed with her and took on a 7hr car ride, she did well, just keep them entertained!

Christina said...

TCBY is so good!!! Hey, at least the thank you emails are being polite ;) Better than a rude one!

Unknown said...

The bathtub plug comment cracks me up! I know you're nervous about the car ride, but I am SO excited to be at the end of the road! :)

Anonymous said...

getting e-mails/texts with a one-word reply drives me crazy! I hear ya girl! :)

Angie said...

A 5 1/2 hour car ride with a child/children is enough to make anyone nervous LOL. We took an 18 hour trip with our 13 year old and 18 month old back in July. I was prepared for disaster but luckily it went pretty smoothly!!!

Carly Ann said...

Ugh, I HATE having extra e mails!

Life With Lauren said...

Hope you have fun this weekend!

Chris said...

Hi Brittan, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

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