Monday, May 28, 2012

MMM, Giveaway Winner, & Memorial Day!

Madi Moment Monday! Oh this week has been full of new hilarious things said by Madi T herself. I just love her little mind!

Madi: "Chris was cutting some cheese, he didn't toot, and cut his finger."


The other day Justin, Madi, & I were all in the car. Justin & I were laughing about something and Madi said "guys, guys, enough excitement already." Where does she get this stuff???


On a more serious note - Saturday morning Madi and I went to breakfast together. I decided it was a good time to tell her about my dad. I've actually never talked about him around her. I told her he died a few years ago. I didn't know she understood what that meant but she got really sad. It was so touching to see her react to that so emotionally. I told her it was nothing to be sad about, that he was in Heaven now. She asked if we could pray to him. I said we could pray to Jesus and ask Him to tell my dad something. She wanted to, right then, pray to Jesus and ask Him to tell my dad that we love him and miss him. I was so touched. She is such a loving, caring child. I couldn't ask for anything more and I know my dad would have loved her to pieces.

Thank you all for entering my giveaway and thank you to iselltshirts for hosting!! The winner is Nikki B.!  Nikki, email me and I'll get your info over to Teresa!

I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day. Let's remember those who served and lost their lives for this country, and their families.

We don't have any big plans today. My mom is on her way over with breakfast and then we may hang out by the pool. Sounds like a good holiday to me!


Unknown said...

I love what Madi said about y'all laughing! hahaha

What she said about your dad was so sweet and touching. You have one special girl and I love her very much (her mama, too!).

Amber said...

Madi is SUCH a sweet girl. I love that she wanted to pray to your Dad. <3

Life With Lauren said...

You have such a sweet and thoughtful little girl! I love reading about the cute things she says!

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