ANYWAY! On to my favorite subject for Monday: Madi Moments! But first - I want to open this up to you all. I've been contemplating this for a year or so and I've decided to just go with it. I'm going to start a link-up next week called "Toddler Talk Tuesdays" for anyone (not just mamas!) who wants to link up and tell everyone what funny/shocking/silly things your kids, friend's kids, nieces, nephews, etc. said that week. I love to keep up with the things Madi says and I find my blog to be a great way to do that and entertain y'all too. :) So, I hope y'all will link-up next week!
This week was a fun one...
Madi: "Mommy, can we watch a complicated movie? Like Ratatoille?"
Me: "What's complicated mean?"
Madi: "Like a movie we know, but it's different."
hrrmmm...okay Madi. :)
Also, her word for imagination is "magic-a-nation." Makes sense to me!
And this is my favorite. I just seriously love this:
Love the link up! I'll be participating for sure. :)
Madi is hilarious! magic-a-nation makes perfect sense. :)
Next week it will be stripes! hahah I love her! Enjoy those new hours!!
Good luck with your new hours! She is so adorable and says the cutest things!
I love her words and comments :) I can't see the video at work, so I'll have to check later!!
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