Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Social 3

Sunday Social

1. What are 3 items you can't live without on a daily basis (water, food, shelter, and clothes don't count)
a. Lip moisturizer (notice I didn't say Chapstick. I found an AMAZING lip moisturizer that is sooo much better. It's Nivea. Just trust me.) b. my phone, sad but true c. sugar. I eat some kind of candy, ice cream, chocolate every single day. It's an awful habit! 

2. What is your all time favorite book? Why?
The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes by Diane Chamberlain. It kept me on my toes on every page. It was a great story and had wonderfully depicted characters. Go get it now!

3. What is something you'd like to accomplish before the end of 2012?
I'd like to lose enough weight to fit into the dress I bought 2 years ago for my company Christmas party. It still has the tags on it. I'm done a pound so far! I think I need to lose ten though...

images via

4. If you could go back and relive any year of your life which year would it be?
I really don't think I'd want to. I am constantly growing and changing and experiencing new things. It's how we are meant to live life. :) 

5. What do you wish people knew about you without you having to tell them?
Hmmm how honest are we getting here? :)
Truthfully - I've heard people think I'm snobby because I don't say much when I first meet people. I'm not. I'm just a shy person. Promise!

Oh and the big one that is #1 for me - I wish they knew I was a Christian without me having to tell them. To me, I can never be a perfect person, but it would really mean I'm doing something right in my walk with God if I portray Him before even speaking. <><

I loved the questions this week! Hope y'all had a great weekend!


Lauren said...

Is your husband a police officer?! I just noticed his picture on the side! If so, mine is too! A lot of people think my mom is snobby too because she's so quiet but that is the furthest thing from the truth! Don't worry about what others think! They'll get to know the real you! I need to try that lip moisture product! :)

Cute post!


hollyh said...

Adding that Nivea to my shopping list! I'm "lip moisturizer" obsessed!

Unknown said...

I totally agree with the Christian thing! I hope people see that in me.

And totally agree with that Chamberlain book - one of my favorites ever!

Anonymous said...

def agree with your answers! stopping by from ss! cant wait to read more about your blog! its super cute :)

Amber said...

I usually always eat a sweet a day too. I have such a sweet tooth, I can't help it!

People think I'm stuck up sometimes too because I'm SUPER shy around new people. I feel really awkward, so I just don't talk, HA!

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