Monday, November 25, 2013

Mom Lesson #4375

A year ago I posted this post.

I have come to say, I highly regret agreeing to tell Madi the truth about Santa Clause at such a young age.

I did read an article or two about how mature children may associate the lies of Santa Clause to Jesus not being real. But, I wasn't completely comfortable robbing my daughter of her childhood. I agreed to it though and she knew the truth about Santa at three years old.

Today she told me "I wish I didn't know Santa wasn't real so that we could do Elf on the Shelf." I've never talked to her about Elf on the Shelf because frankly that thing drives me nuts, but when she said that my heart ached a little.

I told her we can believe in anything we want. I said I still believed in Santa. She said "maybe if we don't talk about it for a while, I'll forget." Another heart pain.

She loves Jesus and loves telling others about Him. I should have thought about that and realized her faith could uphold the truth about Santa, in a few years down the road.

I've learned a lesson though and hopefully she'll believe in the tooth fairy for a while longer.


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