Monday, March 11, 2019

I'm Pro-Life and I Support the Girl Scouts

I'm Pro-Life and this is why I'm NOT pulling my daughter out of Girl Scouts:

To be completely honest I had to meddle with this decision for a few days after the article surfaced about the Girl Scout's Pro-Abortion project. I have heard the rumors, if you will, in the past about the Girl Scouts of America supporting Pro-Choice organizations and having a Pro-Choice "stance," but I could not find reliable information to back that up. (I'm sure you can find some, but I really don't care what it is. Keep reading...)

First of all though, the article that surfaced is poorly titled (on purpose, I'm sure) and misleading. The Girl Scouts "highest honor," the Gold Award, is not a contest. It's similar to the Boy Scouts Eagle Award. There are many criteria a Girl Scout must meet prior to submitting the Gold Award application. If a Girl Scout meets each required criteria of applying for the Gold Award AND completes the final project meeting all the requirements, they receive the Award. So, that being said, I'm sure if a Girl Scout had created a presentation on a Pro-Life movement, she would also receive the Gold Award. The Girl Scouts did not pick this one project over another. They did not say, "Hey we support abortion!" They awarded the Girl Scout the Gold Award because all of the boxes were checked for that honor. She completed her 80 hours of coursework and completed her project - period.

So, that being said, have I read the information about the Girl Scouts donating funds to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)? Yes. Do I think the Girl Scouts of America supports abortion? Not necessarily. Per their website, they donate to WAGGGS, BUT and read this carefully - YOUR COOKIE MONEY DOES NOT FUND THIS DONATION. Cookie money and girl dues stay within the Girl Scouts' council. The money does not go to WAGGGS. Cookie money is used to 1 - pay for the cookies and 2 - support the Girl Scouts in that particular troop. With the cookie money they are able to plan an end of the year party to celebrate all that they have learned that year, which I assure you is not lessons on "why you should be pro-choice." They learn how to become decision makers and independent leaders. They learn how to manage money and how to improve our environment. They learn how to conserve water and other resources. They learn how to be a good friend and how to improve their self-confidence.

What I want to get across to you is this: If you stopped supporting every organization that supported something you don't believe in, you would have to create all of your own items/resources. If you're pro-life you need to immediately stop using your American Express card. Oh and no more Bath & Body Works products for you.  Are you a germaphobe? No more Clorox. All those deals you're getting? Delete the Groupon app. 

I'm not trying to be sarcastic. I just think if you're going to blast one organization for possibly supporting a morale issue that you disagree with, make sure you have the facts AND be consistent all around. 

The Girl Scouts organization has taught my daughter so many valuable lessons. She looks forward to going to her troop meetings. She loves selling cookies. She is PROUD of her patches that she earns. As long as she isn't being taught that she should be Pro-Choice, I'm going to keep taking her to meetings and keep being the "cookie mom." I love what the Girl Scouts' TRULY stands for and that's empowering girls and building up their self-esteem. 

Now, go eat some thin mints. I'm going to. :)


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