Monday, July 26, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away

Today certainly was a Manic Monday. I got to work a few minutes late, due to hitting the snooze one too many times. Then during lunch the generator blew - twice.

I don't know how I stayed awake all day. The Diet Coke and Reese's PB cups definitely helped. Good thing too, because it took me 2 hours to get home. Why do we have to have a torrential downpour every night during the summer?!

Don't worry, I took this pic once the rain started to calm down. There were quite a few times I thought I was going to have to pull over because I couldn't see anything in front of me! Pretty scary!

Once I finally got home, I gave Madi T a bath and then we had some dinner. She was VERY hyper tonight and for some reason I gave her a chocolate popsicle. :)

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