Five Question Friday Time!

1. If you could be a fly on any wall, which would you choose?
Well, I thought long and hard about this one. At first I considered people I know personally: family, friends but that didn't strike a cord. Then I considered famous people - yes celebrities. I would love to be a fly on the wall at a celebrity's house (probably Carrie Underwood or Jennifer Anniston) just to see how they live their lives behind closed doors. I mean are these really real people, or are they always "red carpet ready, hoity toity" people? I'm totally curious, but not in a stalker kind of way. Promise.
2. Do you budget your Christmas shopping or just get it done without budgeting?
Normally, we do not have a budget. However, this year I think it will be necessary. I think if nothing else, hubs and I at least need to have a budget on how much to spend for each other. He always goes above and beyond for my gifts and then I end up feeling guilty, because I know they cost way too much. So a budget would definitely solve this problem, and save our bank account!
Also, I hate to admit it, but husband may need to give me a budget for Madi's Christmas presents. I have this problem where I feel like everysingletime I go to the store I have to buy her something. I just can't help it! Baby girl stuff is just too darn cute!!
3. What is the craziest fad diet you have ever done?
Actually I have never really been on a crazy diet. The only "diet" I've ever really been on is one I made up myself. It consisted of turkey sandwiches, sugar-free jell-o, lean cuisines, & baked cheetos. Oh, and ice cream! It was a great diet! I know, I know - no veggies. Read my "100 Things" if this baffles you.
4. Is there a TV show that you have seen every episode/season of?
IS there? Ha! Oh yes, you ready?
The Gilmore Girls (every episode, every season, at least two times)
The O.C.
Desperate Housewives
I looooove these shows! They are awesome! If you haven't seen these, pleeassee add them to your to-do list asap!
5. What one song always pulls at your heart?
"Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane - I think I've mentioned this song before when I was doing the 30 Day Song Challenge. This song was played at my dad's funeral and it was one of his favorite songs. Everytime I hear it, I think of my dad.
"Mama's Song" by Carrie Underwood - Now that I have a little girl it is very difficult for me to listen to anything mushy about daughters. I just love this song and always tear up because I think of Madi being grown-up and getting married. It makes me sad! (Sad because that means she won't still be living under my roof! But of course I'd be happy for her too!)

i'm not a carrie underwood fan but that song gets to me too! now that i have TWO daughters... ugh i'll be a nervous wreck!! :) great answers!!
First time visitor to your blog - I love it! Your daughter is TOO cute!
On to 5QF, I never watched Gilmore Girls while it was on. Always saw commercials, never watched it. Not a single episode. However.... about two years ago, a co-worker lent me Season 1 on DVD. I was immediately hooked. Addicted. Caught up in the Stars Hollow universe. I now own Seasons 1-5 and have seen Seasons 6 and 7 twice each (some episodes more than that). I just didn't like 6 and 7 enough to buy them.
I am COMPLETELY addicted to The O.C., I may or may not have cried my eyeballs out when it ended. Such a great show for its fashion, story and great Seth Cohen one-liners. Have a happy Friday!
First time here! I totally forgot about GG when I did my list! Nice choice for the fly question. I do wonder about some famous people, too.
Now I'm going to have to follow you!
Coming your way through 5QF.
A gal after my own heart . . . Gilmore Girls!! I wish I could live in Stars Hollow, don't you?
I love your blog! Thanks for sharing.
I adore your idea of a diet! that's more my style compared to others I hear about. Can't beat any diet that includes ice cream
I'm your newest follower from 5Q5. I love your idea of a diet. If only that worked for me!!!
I hope you'll pop by to say hi sometime.
Gilmore Girls! My daughter got me hooked on it and while I haven't seen them all yet, I've seen most of them more than once. :)
I'm a first time visitor from 5QF. Nice blog! I'll be back. :)
I left you something on my blog.
I hope you had a wonderful Halloween
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