Happy 2nd Birthday to my precious baby girl, Madison!
I love you forever & ever.
The day mommy & daddy's lives changed forever.
You are our world.
Your 1st birthday!
Saying "thank you" in baby sign language. You are such a smart little girl!
The 1st picture taken of you as a 2 year old!
We took you to Build-A-Bear and you picked out a panda and named him "Panda." :)
You have grown so much in so many ways. You are the sweetest, most caring person. You are extremely intelligent and so much fun. You can count to 12, sing your abc's, identify shapes, and you know most colors. You love to color, play "grocery store" and cook in your kitchen. You also love to play with your fairy house. I can't wait to see all of the new things you learn in the next year. We are so proud of you and love you so very much.
Happy Birthday angel!
Today is Madi's birthday! (As you can tell from above) I wanted to write her a note straight from me to her. I hope that one day she will be able to read this blog and learn about all of the things we did together and the memories we made.
I also wanted to share with y'all what we did today! For Madi's birthday we took her to Build-A-Bear so she could pick out a stuffed animal. The animal was easy. She knew she wanted a panda before we even arrived. The clothes were a different story! I think we spent 30 minutes just trying to get her to pick an outfit. She wanted him to be a boy, so dresses were a no go. :( She actually picked out a Buzz Lightyear outfit so we put it on the panda but then Justin and I decided to veto that one and picked out this super cute vest. She didn't even notice, and loves Panda and the little house he came with.
After we went home to rest we headed back out and picked out our very first real Christmas tree!! My brother came and helped us get it home. It was nice to spend some time with him too. Madison and I put up the nativity scene together. This was really special to me, because it was always a tradition for my mom and I to put ours up together when I was younger. Madi really enjoyed it and was really proud of herself. We had a great night and Madi had a great birthday!
My "mantel."
I really want to replace that Christmas tree with an angel, but until then it's staying. :-/

Happy Birthday Madison!!!
Happy Birthday to Madison!! :-D WHAT a beautiful looking tree!! Nice pick :-D
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