1. What is your favorite dessert?
Hands down, key lime pie from Hyman's Seafood Restaurant in Charleston, SC. They have THE BEST key lime pie in the South. I seriously contemplate driving to Charleston just to get this pie.
Oh you better believe I had a picture! :)
My daughter does not share my love of key lime pie.
2. Did you ever try to cook something and fail miserably?
I'm almost positive I've answered this question on my blog recently, but I'll answer it again. :) I have absolutely attempted and failed with cooking many, many times. The worst time I believe was when I tried to make schnitzel. From now on I'll just let my mama cook it for me!
3. Is there a dish you haven't made that you would like to try?
Yes! Chili! I've never had chili before and hubs has been asking me to make it. It's getting colder out so I'll have to try it soon! My mother-in-law gave me her chili recipe, so we'll see how I do! I'm sure hubs will let me know...
4. What is your favorite food?
French fries & cheeseburgers!! In that order too! I can't pick just one. They go together. Like peas and carrots (only they aren't gross).
Rush's is my favorite place to get a cheeseburger & fries! Yumm!!
5. What is your least favorite food?
I think y'all know this one by now - vegetables!! Okay to narrow it down: my absolute least favorite pleasedonotmakemeevensmellthese vegetables are peas, collard greens, & black eyed peas. I think I just gagged a little. Sorry, but ew.
Side note: My mom follows Southern traditions like any good Southern woman, so on New Year's Day we would always have collard greens & black eyed peas. And because she was a good mama who wanted me to eat my vegetables, she would make me sit at the table for hours strongly encourage me to eat them. To this day, I do not like New Year's & needless to say, I break tradition.
6. Do you have any seasonal meals you like?
These aren't really meals, but I love to eat boiled peanuts in the summer and sausage & cheese balls in the winter! I also love pineapple in the summer especially!
7. What is your comfort food?
Ice cream for sure. I eat ice cream almost daily. Horrible habit, but I just love it! I usually get the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches or another low-calorie option though. I'm not that bad.
Or wait, maybe it's macaroni & cheese? I think it's both!
8. Chocolate: milk, dark, or white?
Milk chocolate. I can't stand dark chocolate, and white chocolate is just kind of strange.
Now I'm hungry!!
Tag, you ladies are it! I can't wait to read your answers!

I love key lime pie too.
And I don't do the New Year's tradition either. I can't even stand to be in the house when the cabbage is cooking.
Never had chili! You must remedy that soon! :)
your little one is just precious!! love that key lime pie face!
Yum this post is making me so hungry! :) I love the picture of your little girl trying key lime pie, too cute!
I can't believe you've never had chili!!! I LOVE CHILI!!!! We have to make some together...seriously. It's amazing, and I've been wanting to make some!!
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