On Christmas Eve we went to my mom's family get together over at my aunt's house. I got to see family that I haven't seen in many years. It was really nice to catch up with everyone! After that we went to church for the 4pm service with my step-dad, Alan, and my brother, Matt, and also met my cousin Morgan and her family there. The service was amazing and really helped put Christmas into perspective. That night Alan & Matt came to our house for a meatloaf dinner (made by me! I actually cooked, aren't you proud?) and to open presents. We had a great time and Madi really loved having her Pop over to play.
Matt loves being in pictures.
It's a tradition to let her open one present from
mommy & daddy on Christmas Eve.
"Gone fishing, be back in time for deer season."
He loved it.
He loves his espresso machine! I did good!
Opening her present from Pop. She got wooden blocks!
I tried to get a picture with Santa's milk & cookies we
left out, but it was past someone's bedtime.
After everyone left and Madi went to sleep Justin and I got to play Santa for the first time! (Last year we didn't really do the Santa thing because she was too young to really understand it.) We were up until 1:30am putting her presents together!! We enjoyed it though and knew it would be worth it to see Madi's face the next morning!
Christmas needs a post all on its own so check back soon!

Oh I bet playing Santa for the first time was so much fun! I can't wait for that at some point in the future!
Cute! Looks like you had a fun Christmas. :)
Best Christmas Eve for me in years! Thank you for everything! Love you, Pop
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