Madi pee pee'd in the potty last night!!!! Wahooooo!!!
I thought that would never happen. I'm a tad bit excited, in case you couldn't tell. :)
Today is my Thursday, ay yi yi. Is that how you spell that? Oh well. On to Five Question Friday!

1. What's on the top of your holiday wish list and why?!
Well, as mentioned here I kind of already know all of my Christmas gifts.
:-/ It's hard to be surprised when there are specific things you want and hubs has a bad memory! :) The top gift on my list is/was the North Face Fleece, that I've sorta kinda already received. In my defense, Black Friday was COLD and I spent the whole night outside. So, I had a good excuse. :)
There is one thing on my wish list that I'm not sure I'm getting. Ed Hardy perfume. LOVE. It's incredible.
via google images
2. What is your favorite Christmas gift from the past?
Hm. This is a tough one. Most of my "big" gifts are usually on my birthday...
My favorite gift as a kid was my Barbie tent! I do remember that vividly!
I imagine it looked something like this. Totally awesome in the 90s ya know.
via google images
I really can't think of my past Christmas gifts as an adult. My mind has gone blank!
3. If you had life to do over, what would you be when you grew up?
I would be an accountant or a financial advisor. I majored in English, got a job in accounting, and instantly wished I had gone to school for that instead. I do not use my degree, at all. I don't really even know why I majored in English... grrr.
4. When do you put up your tree?
Usually the weekend after Thanksgiving. I get so excited about Christmas and love putting it up early so we can enjoy it for a full month.
5. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas! My favorite holiday used to be Thanksgiving, but well, not anymore. (long, ridiculous, petty story) Christmas is an amazing time of year. I love giving presents, sending Christmas cards, attending the church services, celebrating Christ's birth, and being with my family!
Christmas 2009
Do you know my secret?

Your daughter is ADORABLE!!! I won't be surprised on Christmas, either...but I'm not bummed about it. :) Christmas, to me, is more about the giving and celebrating Christ's birth, too.
Great answers! Have a great weekend!
I agree...she's so precious! Thanks for joining us on the exchange! It should be so much fun! Oh and can I just say I love her smocked outfit! Love everything with an applique or smocked!
Happy Friday!
I am hoping for a North Face fleece for Christmas as well!! Lucky you--you already get to wear it!
We are partners in the ornament exchange! Yay!!
Have a good weekend!
I love Christmas, too, for all the same reasons. It really is the most wonderful time of the year!
I love Christmas too but it might be because it is the only day I get gifts.
Just stopped by from 5QF!
I'm wishing for a North Face Jacket too! *crosses fingers*
I love your blog! And your daughter is so cute!
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