1. What movie could you watch over and over again and not get tired of?
Oh bother. I suppose the typical "chick flicks" - The Devil Wears Prada, Mean Girls, & Because I Said So. Love these movies!! Although, I wouldn't really say I could watch them over and over again, or any movie for that matter. If they made a Gilmore Girls movie, then I think that would be a possibility.
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2. What's your biggest pet peeve right now?
Hrm. I have about a billion. One pet peeve is slow drivers. More specifically, people who turn slowly. You know, they practically stop just to turn and then speed up again. GRRRRR. Get off the road already!!!
Okay. I'm fine now.
3. If you had to describe your best friend in five words or less, what would you say?
I have a few best friends and this pretty much sums up them all (except hubs!) ---
pretty, ditzy, loyal, funny, & ocd :)
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4. If you don't have to worry about money or go to school what would you do for a living?
I would stay home with my daughter! But I would definitely have to start volunteering and/or take on some other tasks to avoid complete boredom! Once Madi grows up, I would love to be able to volunteer in third world countries. That is something hubs and I both really want to do one day!
5. What is your one "splurge" item, that you will always buy, no matter the cost?
DIET COKE! Okay, I know this isn't that expensive but I've bought Diet Pepsi before because it was on sale and Diet Coke wasn't and let me tell you, I will never do it again. Nothing can substitute for my Diet Coke!!!
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I feel the same way about my blackberry! I don't know what I did without it..
I am a total sucker for chick flicks! And I totally agree on the slow turning thing! When I am at a traffic light, turning left, and the light is green, I become soooo angry at the people that stop completely to make a u-turn! I just don't get it! You can slow down, but do you really need to stop? Annoys me to no end. Anyway, happy Friday!!!
Happy Friday! Our #4's are kinda similar.. kinda ;)
Hi, I actually hate slow drivers and slow turners too. That was my number 2 pet peeve. But for now my number 1 is people not taking responsibility for their actions! AGH hate it!!!
HAve a great weekend
Here's minehttp://tributebooksmama.blogspot.com/2011/01/five-question-friday_14.html
Oh, no! Replacing diet coke with diet pepsi is a sin! Have you noticed at restaurants if you order diet coke they'll ask you if diet pepsi is okay. I bet no one ever has to ask if diet coke it okay. I cringe when I see a diet pepsi symbol when I'm looking for diet coke. :)
I feel the same abut my IPhone
I loooooove gilmore girls!
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