Now on to Five Question Friday!

1. What is your current favorite book, and why?
My current favorite book is The Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin. Have y'all read this? It was the first Emily Giffin book I read and after I was immediately hooked. I've read her first two books and am in the process of reading her third now. For those of you who visit often, you know I've been in this process for quite a while now (see sidebar). I'm getting there y'all! I "lost" the book for a little bit so I'm just now really getting into it.
My all-time favorite book is Jemima J by Jane Green. This book is also awesome. I've actually read it twice, which is something I can NEVER do with books, hence the title as my all-time fav book. It's great though, it's about an overweight girl who goes through the trials and tribulations of losing weight. I won't give away the ending though, don't worry!
2. Do you go to the dentist regularly?
Hm. Unfortunately (fortunately?) I didn't have this blog when I went through my terrible dentist experience, but let's just say I am not a fan. I had to get a root canal (not so bad) and then get my wisdom teeth out (SO BAD - TEN post-op visits! TEN!) and since then I have tried to stay as far away from the dentist as possible. Don't worry, my mouth isn't all gross. It's been less than a year. No, I have never done the 6 month cleanings. I will go before the year is up though, don't fret!
3. What is your worst memory from high school?
Oh wow. All four years. Next question.
Okay really, I feel like I may have already posted about this before but I'm too lazy to check... my worst memory (besides the fact that all of high school was torture for me) was when I showed up late for graduation practice and I was forced to sit at the front of the gym all by myself, facing my senior class. MEAN.
4. What do you hope to be remembered for in your life?
Serious question, yikes! I definitely hope to be remembered as being a Christian lady who was always helpful and considerate of others. And of course I want to be remembered as being a good mother. I pray that I am doing this mothering thing right!
5. Are you superstitious, or do you have any superstitions?
No, I am not. Boring, I know! The closest I've ever come to being superstitious was when I used to make a wish at 11:11. I'm not even sure if that's considered a superstition though.
That's all folks! (Can y'all tell I didn't get much sleep last night? I'm always really hyper, ironically enough, when I don't get sleep.)
Happy Weekend!

Jemina J is awesome ! I haven't read it in forever!
Hi, I am your newest follower :) LOVE your blog! Yeah, I hated HS too. And YES that WAS mean!!
I have some giveaways going on if you're interested. They are ending tomorrow & I am trying to boost the entries!! We Don't Have It All Together They are all listed at the top of my page.
here's mine
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