SO, here's my Top 10 Places I Want to Visit in the US before I'm old. Well, older. Because I actually want to visit all of the states at some point, but these are just the first 10!
1. New York City, New York! - For obvious reasons. I would love to see all of the tourist attractions, a show, eat some good pizza and hot dogs, and do a little shopping! Hubs and I were planning to take a trip here in May but now with his tests and possible surgery that is on hold. We will hopefully go this year though!
2. Hawaii - I am kicking myself for not going when we lived in AK. Flights are SO much cheaper from there and we could have taken a military hop for free!! I have always wanted to go to Hawaii, hasn't everyone? One of my friends is having a destination wedding there this summer. I so wish I could afford to go!!
3. Los Angeles, California - Okay so maybe my choices so far are kind of "duhs" but if I have them on a list then it means I have to make a special effort to actually go!! I think this one will be the hardest to get Justin to agree on. Maybe this will be a girls trip! Any takers? :)
4. Seattle, Washington - Whoa, there's a different one for ya! Sleepless in Seattle is a classic and yes, it made me want to go to Seattle. But Seattle also just looks so neat. Which Bachelor was it who lived here? Jason? I would love to see the house boats and the Space Needle!
5. Mall of America in Minnesota - Yes, I had to look up what state this was in! I am a rollar coaster fanatic so I kind of just want to go to say I've been on a rollar coaster in a mall. How cool would that be? But I mean, the shopping wouldn't be bad either! I honestly wanted to drive home from Alaska just so we could stop at the MOA! Ha! A 4400 mile drive just for that. Needless to say, we came to our senses but I will make it here one day!
6. Las Vegas, Nevada - I never had a desire to go here until I met hubs and he told me about how fun it is. He's been twice with his old job and didn't even gamble or see shows, but still had a great time! I think it would be fun to go and play watch hubs play a card game or two, go to shows, and stay in a fancy hotel!
7. Denali National Park, Alaska - Again, I am kicking myself for not going here when we had the chance. Denali was only about 4 hours away but it's not easily accessible in winter and there are about 9 months of winter up there so it didn't leave us much time to visit. :( I still wish we would have made the time though, but this way it gives us an excuse to go back!!
8. Hershey Park in Hershey, Pennsylvania - You didn't really think I'd make a top 10 list without an amusement park on here did you? I would LOVE to go here! Seriously, this should probably be #2. I am always up for a thrilling rollar coaster. It is sad to admit that being the rollar coaster fend that I am, I've actually only been to two theme parks, multiply times of course, but still! Anyway, I would also love to take Madi here. I think this would be a great family trip when she gets a bit older.
9. Boston, Massachusetts - I'm not really sure why but I've always wanted to go to Boston. I actually used to want to move there. It's weird too because I don't even know much about it. I think it's just one of those places you see in a movie and decide you would like it. I would love to just drive around and see the beautiful New England style homes.
10. Chicago, Illinois - When I was younger I wanted to be a reporter and wanted to work for the Chicago Tribune. I imagined myself wearing a pencil skirt and blazer and carrying a briefcase while walking to work in the wind! Oh to be young again! That did not happen, but I think it would be neat to visit and see if I would have liked working in the windy city!
all photos via
Well, there you go! That's my list! What's your list? Should we do a linky? Let me know what y'all think!

Yay for the MOA!! Come to the Twin Cities and visit me! I'll take you to my fave places at the Mall of America; I know it like the back of my hand ;-) I just love that place!!
Las Vegas is THE BEST. I tell everyone that even though it might not be "their scene", they will love it. It's a fun place. And Alaska!! Ugg, like I tweeted about the other day, as soon as Greg's BFF moves back to Alaska we're visiting him there for like 2 weeks. There is just sooo much to do! We have colleagues who live/work in Boston and have a home in Cape Cod. We can't wait to visit-- we're going to go clam digging! :-D
LOVE NYC & Boston! Chicago is fun, too. I've been to Hershey, PA and toured the chocolate factory (or whatever they call it), but didn't do Hershey Park.
I would LOVE to go to Alaska and Hawaii!
Great list!
I love so many of these! I want to visit LA let's plan a girls trip! :)
That roller coaster picture makes my stomach hurt! haha
I too have a strong desire to visit Seattle. I think it would be awesome! As for Boston (where I used to live) and Chicago (where I currently live), I definitely think they are both great cities. Boston is a small-town big city, but yes the homes and little towns surrounding it are too cute for words. :)
We share half of the same places. I have been to Hershey Park twice and loved it.
Girl I agree with you..I feel like I have not traveled anywhere..your top 10 list is great..I'd love to go to any of those places! xoxo
UM, if i recall correctly, i asked you to go to Minnesota with me!!!
also, Beth went to hershey park last summer, said it was great! you would love it!
You have a great list. Chicago is my favorite city in the country. It's a big city, but the people are so nice and you aren't made to feel like a number as you are in New York. Vegas is AHmazing. Don't go for longer than three days and go with girlfriends. You will have the time of your life.
I think my list of places to go in the US right now is Phoenix and Charleston. I also would like to go to Vancouver, which is obviously in Canada, but super close to Seattle.
I agree Hershey Park is AWESOME...Las Vegas is definitely worth going at least once. LA well its LA. I'd love to go to the Mall of America too! Of all those places, I'd recommend Seattle for sure! It is a pretty awesome place to visit. :)
Hi! I'm a new follower to your blog. =)
I love your list of places to visit. I went to college 15 minutes from Hershey Park and I loved going there and too the shops nearby. I would also love to go to Hawaii, Alaska, Vegas, Seattle and L.A.
New to your blog and love it! I can't wait to read more. I have been to the Mall of America. It was way to big. Minnesota is one of the most beautiful places in the world though. It was so pretty to see all the lakes that look like oceans becuase they are so big. I have also been to Hersey Penn and did the Hersey Park. I remember having a Hersey Pepsi and it was the nasiest tasting thing I have ever put in my mouth. I am going to Las Vegas this summer and can't wait. Check my blog for my trip across the USA this summer.
Yay for Seattle! If you ever make it out here we will have to have a coffee date and I'm not just talking about going to the original Starbucks, if you like coffee there are some amazing cafes! AND if you like sushi we have amazing sushi, nothing like fresh sushi!! Now I really want to do some traveling...
These are great! I definitely want to go to Seattle to Pike Place's original Starbucks! When I saw your Hawaii photo I thought to myself "hey, I know that place." I was just there this past summer and it is a MUST!! It's such a beautiful, magical place. I've been to quite a few tropical places but Hawaii really does hold a special place in my heart so I definitely recommend going there. I stayed on Waikiki, which was great and all but the best part was renting a car and hitting the road with my love. Exploring and taking in all that the Island of Oahu has to offer! Breathtaking!! This picture you posted brings me back to Hanauma Bay. Awesome snorkeling! We spend a day there, it costs money, there's a orientation video to watch etc. It was definitely great but locals told us about better places to snorkel that were free & we saw SO MUCH more than what we saw at Hanauma Bay. Just in case you were interested in snorkeling.
Anyways, I'll stop now. I tend to ramble. I love your blog & so glad I found you so I am most definitely a new follower! Talk to you soon! xx
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