On to my favorite part of Fridays!

1. If you had $1,000 to donate to a charity, which would you choose?
This is easy - St. Jude's Children's Hospital because they always send me those super cute, kinda tacky address labels that I use on my bills. :) Okay kidding - that's not really why. I'm a mom and that means children have my heart. I would love to be able to donate lots of money to this wonderful charity.
2. Snow days: Do you welcome them happily or are they a pain in your butt?
Hm. Depends.
If I go outside and "play" in the snow and then come back in - pain in my butt because then I have to clean up the massive mess that all of this snow brings. If I don't go outside and get to cuddle inside with my family all day then I welcome it!
3. What talent did you wish you had and why?
Hm. Did I wish? So when I was a kid I'm guessing? Well, I have always wanted to be able to draw/paint. I still do wish I had this talent. My dad was a great artist and I guess those genes just skipped right over me!
4. Are you a news, politics, or celebrity gossip junkie?
Omgosh. Celebrity gossip PLEASE! I am obsessed. News? Politics? Not my thing. Knowing that every woman in Hollywood right now is pregnant, now that's important information.
5. What is your favorite "cocktail"?
Boring answer, but I do not drink. Beer makes me gag (so nasty!), and I used to like vodka cranberries but now I'm more of an Icee kinda girl! :)

I completely agree with you about the snow days. :) Have a great weekend with your family.
stopping by from 5 Q Friday
i'm with you on celebrity gossip, i NEED to know who is pregnant, who is dating who, who is divorcing.
have a great weekend.
I love the celebrity gossip, too! It's sad that I know more about Hollywood's leading men and women than the men and women leading our country... but oh well! haha
here's mine http://tributebooksmama.blogspot.com/2011/01/five-question-friday_28.html
I love icee's! The coke ones. And I used to drink them and think that it didn't count as a coke because it was icee.
hhaha i'm like you i'm obsessed with perez hilton and celeb gossip! gotta get my fix everyday haha
I LOVE Coke Icees. I would choose one over alcohol anyday!
YUM! We LOVE Icees too!
Oh I loooove Icees too :) Yum, now I'm totally wanting to drive to the 7-11 down the road ;)
I'm the same way about celeb gossip. It's way more important than world news ;)
I sure do love Icees too....and cranberry vodkas...you know :)
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