1. Have you ever had surgery?
I'm pretty sure we've done this question before...yes we have. Short answer - yep, wisdom teeth & plastic surgery after a bicycle accident. Long answer here! :)
2. Ever ride in an ambulance?
Nope and I always wanted to when I was a kid. Now that I'm older I do not because of course that would mean something was wrong with a loved one or myself.
3. How are you in a medical emergency? Panicked? Calm?
Well, I was quite panicked during Justin's last seizure but I think if it happens again I will be much more calm. I think it really just depends on the situation though. Heck, who am I kidding - I'll be a nervous wreck during any kind of emergency!!
4. Do you garden? Flowers or veggies?
Me? Outside? Touching dirt? And bugs? PFT. Noway. I actually need to go with my mom to Lowe's this weekend to pick out flowers for her to plant in my yard. My mom loves that dirty gardening stuff. I do not.
5. When did you move out of your parents house?
Which time? I went to college and lived in the dorms during the school year but then lived at home during the summer. Then my senior year of college I moved out pretty much completely only to move back home before the end of the school year. So, I guess I officially moved out for good after I got married. Like a few months after. Justin was in tech school in the Air Force so we didn't live together for the first few months of our marriage. But, that's a story for another day!
Good stuff.
Hope you all have a spectacular weekend! As usual, I plan to do nothing. How that pans out is a different story! :)
OH! I almost forgot - Happy April Fool's Day!! Play any good pranks on people? I'm still trying to think of one for hubs, because I think he forgot it's April Fool's Day!
I am definitely not a prankster! I also freak in emergency situations. I've ridden in an ambulance twice - once for myself when I was 10 and once with my sis in high school. Kinda scary, but super quick ride!
Have a great weekend, girl!
Im not great in emergencies...
I also am horrible in emergency situations. The last one I can think of is when my grandpa died, quite a few years ago, but it was chaos.
Hope you have a great weekend!
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