Today is June 3rd.
June 3rd is my husband's birthday.
My husband is getting old.
But I'm right behind him. :-/
Happy Birthday to the most
wonderful husband ever!
I love you Justin! I hope you have a great birthday!!
YAY for it being Friday, right? Loved that we had a short work week. Today I'm linking up with Neely & Meagan for Boob Tube Babble! I mean, how could I not, since it's "babbling"? :) Cheesy, yes I know.

My thoughts on TV this week:
#1 - Premiere of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition -- LOVED it! I was really excited about this show! I love weight loss shows. Biggest Loser used to be my favorite show on TV but then they changed it and got all funky like most shows that have been on the air too long tend to do. I digress.
This new show is great. It features 1 person's *gag*-journey- of losing weight over the course of one whole year. You watch their progress and get to see the final outcome at the end of each episode. I really like this new approach of showing one person each week instead of 20 in one episode for 8 weeks. I loved Rachel and hello, the trainer is hot!!! Where have I seen him before?!
Chris Powell
image via
#2 - The Real Housewives of New Jersey - I'm probably going to get my weeks messed up but whatever. Every week is pretty much the same anyway.
- Theresa - What is wrong with you?!?!?? I seriously think she's gone insane. That or she's so desperate for money that she's willing to make a fool of herself on tv. Oh right, that's exactly what she's doing. Oh and btw - Theresa, Kathy is right about you leaving your kids unattended. Hello! People were throwing elbows and she didn't even think twice about her kids. Get it together!
- Jacqueline - She seems so normal. Why is she on this show??
- Caroline - I can't decide if I like her or not. Sometimes she seems so grounded and then other times she goes right down to everyone else's level and acts just as immature as they do. I do feel bad for her that her sons are moving out, but she needs to remember she still has a daughter! Poor girl!
- Theresa's Sister-in-Law - I don't remember her name and I'm too tired to look. Is it Melissa? Crap, now I'm curious. Anyway, I actually kind of like her! I feel like I'm not supposed to. She is married to a major jerk, but I enjoy her being on the show so far!
- Kathy - She needs to stop trying to fix everything. That's all.
#3 - The Bachelorette - So not watching it. I tried, for about 5 minutes, during the premiere. I don't like Ashley and I've never been a big fan of The Bachelorette. Girls fighting over 1 guy is much more fun to watch than guys fighting over 1 girl.
That's pretty much all the TV I watched this week! :( I miss Pregnant in Heels & Criminal Minds!!
Do you agree or disagree with me? Did you watch Extreme Makeover? What'd you think? I want to know!
heeeeeyyy, your hubby has the same birthday as me.
happy birthday to him! hope it's wonderful.
I recognized Chris Powell...but apparently, all I know him from is the Today show (I think). He was on with a guy who he had helped lose over 400 pounds of weight! Glad he has his own show now. I love weight loss/makeover shows. Too bad we aren't picking up ABC right now. Haven't figured out what I'll be watching over the summer yet...
Happy Birthday Justin!!!
I forgot about the Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition started this week.
Thank you so much for linking up for BTB and happy bday to your hubs!
i sadly can not stop myself from watching the Bachelorette LOL but in my defense I watch it with my hubby and he makes such ridiculous comments that make me laugh way more than the show so its worth it just to hear his remarks. LOL
I have a secret - I was actually in the finale of this coming Monday's episode of Extreme Makeover!! They taped it here in GA and basically posted an ad asking for people to come to the finale to be in it! So if you watch this coming Monday's episode, I'll be in it! I don't remember what color shirt I was wearing, but I was wearing a black northface jacket and I have brown hair and I was in the very back! I was with my friend who is blonde and I think was also wearing a black jacket and her guy friend was with us as well!! I'll post more details on my blog :)
Oh and I got to meet the hottie trainer. He's even hotter in person!!! Yummo!
Happy birthday Justin!
Yes that trainer is super hot!
Thanks for linking up! Rhonj has been crazy! I think I forgot to talk about it in my post. So gross hearing melissa's husband talk about "the poison"!
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