It's OK!
...that if I see one more post/tweet/status update about losing weight I might barf.
...that this is my third link-up of the week.
...that my life feels complete again now that Pretty Little Liars is back on.
...to have no activities planned for our trip this weekend. The goal is to relax!
...to be extra nice and go out of your way for others.
...to go to Which Wich just for their lemon juice packets. (and not take a bunch for later...)
...that I took my Christmas tree and all decorations down on Christmas day. Can't stand clutter!!
...to have drooled a little when I tried fried pickles for the first time.
What are you saying "It's OK!" to this week?
I know what you mean about people talking about losing weight. People don't need a new year to start being healthy. People can start anytime during the year. They just need to be motivated.
As much as I love pickles, I've never tried them fried!! Must do this!
"to have drooled a little when I tried fried pickles for the first time."
YES!!! I'm so happy for you. Ha!
I love fried pickles. Also I have a which wich that just opened by me a few months ago and I haven't tried it? I will have to see what these lemon packets are!
Fried pickles are like heaven!
Fried Pickles are amazing...and it is ok! I'll end up with 3 link-ups before the week is over!
I've never tried fried pickles, after reading this and all the comments I might have to!
I LOVE fried pickles! I make my own when I make onion rings and can eat them all on my own!
I love fried pickles they are the best.
My Christmas tree is still up. Shameful. You were so on the ball with taking it down new years day! I'm impressed!
Totally agree with the barfing at peoples posts on losing weight! I cant believe you have been deprived of fried pickles until just recently, they are THE BEST THINGS EVER! :]
it's okay that I ate a bowl (or 2) of ice cream every single night this week. ;]
I feel you on the loosing weight posts. Over it. And I need to STILL take down Christmas decor. Epic fail.
Agree totally on the losing weight thing. Wonder out of all the people talking, how many will actually stick to it and lose weight? I bet not many LOL.
Have fun on your trip. R&R trips are always the best :)
Hmmm. Fried pickles sound interesting, but I think I should try them, being that SO much tastes good in this 3rd trimester :) And go, you! Getting Christmas decor down so quickly is awesome!
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