It's OK!
...that I vow to give up diet coke at least once a week, but never do it.
...that I am a hypochondriac and think a colonoscopy and a mammogram should be covered when I'm 30 not when I'm already old.
...to wish Emily Thorne was my BFF even though that may mean she'd stab me in the back {literally}. She's so likable, in such a weird way!!
...to think it's sad that Emily Maynard is going to be the next Bachelorette because that means she's leaving her daughter again. :( I'm a mom, what can I say.
...to use two different email addresses to get free Chick-Fil-A breakfast twice instead of once this week!
...that it's 11:30pm and I'm still up. Oh crap, that's so not okay. Must be up in 6.5 hours and at work in 7.5 hours!! GOOD NIGHT!
*side note - If they celebrate birthday's in heaven, I hope it's a great one Tay Tay! I <3 you forever!!
I'm always vowing to give up soda too but it never happens!
Hope you got a good nights sleep :)
If we had Chick-Fil-A around here I would totally do what you do. Love that place!
Hahaha love the Chick-Fil-A comment, why have I never thought about doing that? ;)
I've used two different email addresses to get free cards twice in the last week :) no shame!
I heard they will be filming the bachelorette in emily's hometown so she doesn't have to be away from her daughter as much!
I tried to give up diet coke once - for 3 weeks. I lost the will to live. : ]
hahah!! i've definitely done the 2 email address thing. anything for chickfila!! and i officially gave up diet soda (as of monday, ha!) when i read this: http://www.kimberlysnyder.net/blog/2011/12/01/8-dangers-of-diet-soda/
#5...that's all i'm saying. ew.
i mean #5 on that link i sent you, not your #5
I would do that with Chick-fil-a too, but my sister works there and they would know!
They are filming The Bachelorette in Charlotte, so she won't be leaving her daughter!
HA! I love Emily Thorne too! She is just bringing justice to those who wronged her father! :)
Is Emily really going to be the Bachelorette? I had not heard that!
Oh and I totally use my two emails and my husbands for Chick fil a breakfast!
I would like to borrow Emily Thornes clothes. I love the clothing choices they put everyone in on that show.
wait what?! where was this announced that emily maynard was going to be the next bachelorette?! that actually makes me excited because this season of the bachelor is a SNOOZE FEST!
Lol. Omg we're hypochondriacs too! New follower!
I had no idea that Emily is going to be the next Bachelorette! Wow! I'm so surprised!
I'm a hypochondriac too! I wish I knew chick-fil-a was doing the free breakfast! I would definitely have signed up with each of my 4 emails!
Of course they celebrate birthday's in heaven!! I'm sure there is a celebration going on!
You're right. There's some "likeable" about Emily Thorne. I kinda got away from that show over the last month or so, but she is definitely an interesting character. I was reading your 100 Things and I think we have a lot in common! :)
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