1. Favorite movie of all time? Goodness this is a hard one. I'm going to have to go with The Devil Wears Prada. I have a really hard time re-watching movies, but this is one that I can watch over and over again. I think they did a wonderful job at casting!
2. Favorite movie quote of all time? "I feel like I just found out my favorite love song is about a sandwich." - 27 Dresses, I didn't even like this movie that much but that quote just cracks me up.
3. Best movie to watch for a girls night in? Okay, you can't just watch one movie for girls night in. I pick: Easy A, Mean Girls (duh), & Shag.
4. Best breakup movie? hrmm...The Notebook. KIDDING. Idk! Don't watch a movie. Watch The Gilmore Girls. They make everything better.
5. Favorite celeb eye candy? Wentworth Miller. Oy vey.
6. Which movie stars closet would you want to raid? Easy. Jennifer Aniston. She likes jeans and tshirts like me, but can also dress up without being completely uncomfortable. I just love her style!
Weeee this was fun. Happy Sunday & Happy Father's Day to all the dads!!!
Love Jennifer Anniston's style! Just stopping by from the Sunday Social to say "HI!" Have a great week!
I picked Jennifer Aniston too! I'm with you-no notebook type movies for me when Im going through a breakup!
Found you on the Sunday Social. You're so right, if you're gonna have a girls night, do it right with a few movies!
Uh, LOVING your quote..even though I do love 27 Dresses. =) And you're right...Gilmore Girls does make everything better!
The Devil Wears Prada is my all time favorite movie. My favorite part, the opening sequence.
Oh my goodness....Shag! We watched the heck out of that movie when it came out! I definitely need to find one so my girls can watch it.
I looove Devil Wears Prada! Also, Easy A and Mean Girls are perfect for girls' nights :)
Devil Wears Prada is a really good movie. I love the book more but the movie is good chick flick.
great answers girl!
You already know I didn't like Easy A :) But how could you not love 27 Dresses?!
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