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Today after work, I picked up Madi and made a quick stop to register her for dance. Once we got home I got her a snack, started dinner, let the dog out, let Madi outside to play in the backyard (so I'm now watching her and cooking), ate dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, did a 30 minute exercise video while Justin bathed Madi (praise the Lord!), then showered and blow dried my hair, went downstairs to grab Madi and put her to bed.
Now, here is my problem - yes, I accomplished a lot, BUT I didn't finish all of that until 8:30pm. That means I didn't get to spend any time with my family tonight except for the quick chats while cooking or cleaning up. This does not make me happy!!! This is also probably (okay, 1/3) of the reason why I've gained weight lately.
When is a mom and wife supposed to exercise AND spend time with her kids/husband AND have time for herself AND cook a decent dinner?? I'm at a loss. And no, I'm not willing to give up my precious sleep in the mornings. :)
What works for you? I need tips!
I can so relate to all of this!!! When I leave work at 5, I start job #2 (wife and mom duties) and hit the road running. By the time I finish cleaning up the kitchen, and usually a load of laundry or 2, and have my daughter put to bed, it's 9PM and I'm exhausted! My husband and I try to visit w/ each other but by 10PM, we are ready to crash for the night! If only there was more time in the day. As for working out, my advice is not best for most. I workout on my lunch break! I call it my power hour. I take my break at 2, so from 3-5 at work, I feel disgusting after sweating so hard during my workout. It sucks. BUT, I'm able to feel good about myself and it not take away time from my family. So for me, that's my best option. Good luck!
Well let's see that sounds like my day EVERYDAY and now we (ok me) signed us up for tball coach/team mom - but that to me is spending quality time with them. As for exercise that is why I also can not lose my last 10 lbs. I do exercise but it is typically from 9 - 10 pm which means I don't get to read or watch tv or spend alot of alone time with the hubby. But it is "fitting it all in" i guess :)
Good question. I don't even have a kid, and I have a horrible time managing time to do everything I want/need to after work. It's awful :(
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