Thursday, September 30, 2010

A little of this & a little of that

Hello! Happy Thursday! So, I can already tell y'all that this post is going to be all over the place so please forgive me now. I have lots on my mind and haven't had much chance to blog lately.
First things first - Am I the only person who does not like pumpkin anything?! Pumpkin scented candles, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, etc. For real, I do not like pumpkin. I never have. So come on, anybody out there with me on this? Anyone?! I digress.
So, I FINALLY found Madi's Halloween costume! Who knew that you need to buy costumes 2-3 months in advance! I really, really wanted the Owl costume at Pottery Barn Kids but it was sold out within a few weeks. So I settled on something elsewhere, but I know it will be super cute on Madi because everything always is! I'm going to save it as a surprise though and post pictures from Halloween night!
Speaking of how cute Madi is, I've been wanting to get her pictures taken professionally for a while now. Today on our lunch break Justin and I went to this boutique down the street from work and found the most adorable dress for Madi. I'm getting it monogrammed and don't have it yet, otherwise I'd show y'all a picture. But now that I have the dress for the pictures I just need to pick a date. The thing is, I'm a little worried that she won't go for the whole "camera in her face by a stranger" thing. She has been extremely shy around strangers lately and I just don't know how much bribing it will take to get her to cooperate. I will keep y'all posted though!
Also, her birthday party planning is underway! The "tacky or not to have a birthday wish list" poll was not much help, as the results were 50/50. But I did decide to go ahead and make one, because like a lot of you said - people don't HAVE to use it, it's just a guide. So thanks for those who gave me your feedback!
My ramblings are done for the day I guess. Thanks for sticking around. :) Oh and are there any Biggest Loser fans out there!? The new season just started, opinions? For those who don't know: I LOVE The Biggest Loser - I also LOVE to watch it while eating a big bowl of ice cream. Guilty!
Ohhhh and one more thing! I saw this on Twitter and thought some of you may be eligible:
$10,000 Blogging Scholarship - Deadline October 21st


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday: Songs

Top 2 Tuesday: Top 2 Favorite Songs

#1. "Temporary Home" by Carrie Underwood - I just absolutely love this song. It's so moving and truly does describe our time on this earth. I love everything by Carrie Underwood but this one especially!

#2 - "Revelation Song" by Kari Jobe - This is a new favorite of mine. The Newspring Band plays this song at church sometimes and it's incredible. This song can make me feel better no matter what I'm going through.

What are your favorite songs? Go here to join in!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Okra Strut and FQF!

Friday, oh Friday. You used to mean something to me - a break, relaxation, time with my family... Not this week.I have to work tomorrow, and every other weekend for the rest of eternity. And yes, I would like some cheese with this wHine.

I'm also especially bitter about working tomorrow because it's the Okra Strut Festival weekend!!! Yes, my hometown of Irmo, celebrates Okra once a year! Seriously funny! 

I've been going pretty much every year since I was in the 4th grade. This year will probably be the last year they hold the festival, which is why I'm super bummed that I can't make it.  It's your typical festival with small rides, good food & good music, but I still always like to go! We Irmites are proud of our Okra Strut!! Who knows, maybe I'll get to stop by for a few minutes before it's over tomorrow. 

Five Question Friday time!

1. If you could speak with a different accent, what would it be? (i.e. Australian, Scottish)
Well, my cousin and I randomly claim to be "Helga, from Sweden" (insert Swedish accent) and have a great time with that. However, I don't think Swedish would be my accent of choice. Honestly, I'd just like to have a more Southern twang to my voice! My friends say I do have a southern accent, but I don't think so. I wish it was more pronounced, kind of like Britney's on Big Brother, or Reese Witherspoon in Sweet Home Alabama! I'd love to have her accent!

2. Can you fall asleep anywhere? (i.e. floor, couch, deck)
No. I really need to have a blanket, a soft surface, and "the fan noise" to fall asleep. I have a very hard time sleeping anywhere other than in my bed, especially planes. I cannot for the life of me fall asleep on a plane, not even during a red-eye 8 hour flight from Anchorage, Alaska to Charlotte, NC...crazy, right?

3.  Do you use public restrooms? If so, do you sit on the toilet?
I have this problem where I have to pee ALL THE TIME, so I think I've used every restroom in Columbia, Lexington, & Irmo. I cannot pee squatting either, so yes I have to sit on the toilet seat!! If it's gross, I'll just wait and go to another restroom. BUT, here's my philosophy (I heard this somewhere so I guess it's not my philosophy per say, but still...) - some public toilets are probably cleaner than the ones at your own house. Think about it for a minute - do you clean your toilet seat every day? I know I don't, and if you do then you have too much time on your hands! But public restrooms are (usually) cleaned daily so really, they may be cleaner than your own...well, it makes me feel better, anyway! :)

4. If you were stuck in an elevator for 24 hours, what celebrity would you most want to be stuck with?
Carrie Underwood!!!! Seriously, I love her and I think if we got to hang out then we'd be best friends! Okay that's creepy isn't it? Well, I don't mean for it to be. She seems really down to earth though and I think we'd have fun! I like Mama M's answer too - being stuck in an elevator with Ellen DeGeneres would be awesome, but I think she'd make me laugh too hard and then I'd have to pee...

5. Where did you & your significant other go on your 1st date?
Is it bad that I don't remember this?! I know the first time we hung out we went to Chick-Fil-A, but it wasn't a date because it wasn't just the two of us. Hmmm, maybe he remembers...

Woot that was fun! Can't wait until next Friday!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday: Hair Products

Top 2 Tuesday: Top 2 Favorite Hair Products

Man do I love a good hair product!!

#1. Got2B Smooth Operator Smoothing Luxury Mousse - This stuff is amazing. I use it to scrunch my hair when I want to wear it wavy. It really does a great job and keeps the curl all day long! It's kind of hard to find though. I got it on base in Alaska, but one of my friends said she was able to find it at CVS too.

#2. Aveda Smooth Infusion Glossing Straightener - This is my newest favorite hair product. My hair stylist introduced me to it a few weeks ago and it really makes my hair super straight and silky. You put a little bit in your hair when it's still wet and style as usual. It also helps to cut down on blow drying time which is always a plus. Aveda products are only sold in salons or online, so they are a bit pricey. I think it is totally worth the money though!

Want more suggestions on great hair products? Head over to Taylor's blog by clicking the button below. Happy Tuesday!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Pink Preppy Lilly Lover Giveaway

Wow, Trish at Pink Preppy Lilly Lover is hosting an amazing giveaway! She is giving away a Michael Kors Tortoise Shell Chronograph Watch. Yep, you read that right!! I about flipped when I saw this. I aboslutely love Michael Kors! Hurry over to her blog and enter now! Giveaway ends on Friday, September 24.

If I don't win this, I'm pretty sure it's going on my wishlist for Santa!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Taking it easy

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the weekend is pretty much over. :( We had a nice, relaxing weekend. Saturday was a day of "firsts" for Miss Madi. She, her Pop and I went to the Greek Festival Saturday afternoon. My step-sister and nieces were there painting faces so we went to visit them. (I'm not a fan of Greek food. You know how picky I am.) We had a lot of fun.

Madi went on her first ride!! (She's been on the carousel at the mall but I don't count that as a ride.) She really enjoyed it. I didn't spin it because I thought it may make her sick but she did it all by herself and had so much fun! I think she's going to be a ride enthusiast like her momma!

And she also got her first face arm painting! She got "Ming-Ming" of course!! She also got two rings painted on her fingers and just loved them!

Today we didn't really do much at all. Madi and I went to Wal-Mart this morning to get groceries. On the way home I noticed the leaves were falling and the trees are changing colors! I don't think I've ever really paid attention before. It's sooo pretty!

This picture doesn't do it justice, and yes I know I shouldn't have taken a picture while driving. Whoops.

So it's official, Fall is here and my baby girl is growing up!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Friday, September 17, 2010

FQF: Pumps Please!


Well, at least for 2 days. That's more than I will be able to say next Friday when I have to work on the weekend. I thought I had an office job for a reason.  Apparently not.  Apart from the weekend ahead, my other favorite thing about Friday is Five Question Friday!

1. What is the first nightmare you remember?
The first nightmare I can remember was set at a blue hotel and this man (I'm assuming?!) kept chasing me around and around the hotel. The reason this is significant and sticks out in my mind is that I've had it like 3 times before. The same dream! Kinda creepy to me.

2. Even if you're not a sports fan, what's your favorite sport to play/watch?
Okay I know gymnastics and ice skating are considered sports, but I'm assuming this question is geared more towards traditional sports like football, baseball, soccer, etc. (I'm pointing this out because I would chose gymnastics...)

I am by no means a sports fan, but this year I've found myself wanting to keep up with the Gamecocks. As y'all know I went to the first game and from what I could tell they are playing really well this year. Now that means pretty much nothing but still.  I think I may watch the game tomorrow...if it's on TV.

3. If you could pull off one piece of trendy fashion, what would you want it to be (jeggings, hats, thigh high boots, etc.)?
This one was easy - pumps. I cannot for the life of me get my feet in those things. I seriously don't understand how y'all do it!!! I bought a pair about 2 years ago determined that if I bought them I'd make myself figure it out. Well, they are sitting in my closet, unworn and now have a friend when I had another epiphany a few months ago. I seriously am in love with these shoes but just can't wear them. Someone please help!!

4. Did you make good grades in school?
Hmm..high school? No, not at all. I totally did not apply myself or care at all. I somehow had a 3.0 at the end of my senior year but that was simply by God's grace. That is the only explanation.

College? Yes. I studied a lot! Still not as much as I should have. I think I could have made all A's if I worked at it but I was happy with my 3.3-3.5 all 4 years!

5. What magazines do you subscribe to?
Currently, none. I am only about 20 coke points away from getting Cosmopolitan for a year! Woot!! I always get my magazine subscriptions through (diet) coke rewards points. Free magazine subscriptions are fabulous! Oh and my mother-in-law usually gives me her People magazines after she reads them so that's always nice too!

Also check out Follow Friday over at Maryland Pink and Green!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Not So Wordless Wednesday

I kinda broke the "wordless" rule today:

This has been a really tough week (even though it's only Wednesday) so I needed some happy pictures...

images via

and of course, my favorite...

and because I need extra cheering up:


Hope your Wednesday is filled with blessings!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday: Goals

This week on Top 2 Tuesday: Top 2 things you want to accomplish by the end of the year


#1 - Eat out less!!

I eat entirely too much fast food. I mean really, it's pretty gross. I have a load of excuses (my husband's rarely hungry & it's hard to cook for 1, we live FOREVER away, we don't eat leftovers so a lot goes to waste, etc.) BUT I still really want to stop. This will help my hips and my wallet. I just need to get the willpower now...

#2 - $ave more money!!

I think if I can conquer the above, it will help me accomplish this one also. But really I just spend too much money - usually on other people. My husband and I both love to buy people things. I don't know why but we do and it's starting to affect our bank account. Not to say that we don't spend our fair share on ourselves, but really we just need to get on a budget and stick to it!

images here, and here

Play along:


Monday, September 13, 2010

Giveaway at The Undomestic Momma

Just wanted to let y'all know about another giveaway! Taylor over at The Undomestic Momma is hosting a giveaway for a $30 gift certificate from CSNThey have everything you could imagine from furniture to baby toys to home improvement items! 

Entering is just a click away! Visit Taylor's blog & good luck!

Friday, September 10, 2010

FQF: Flintstone push-up please!

Yay! for the weekend! I plan to do absolutely nothing, but we all know that means I'll do quite the opposite!

1. Do you feel guilty spending money on yourself?
Oh my gosh yes. I've been getting a little too comfortable with it but if it's something fairly expensive it takes me a long time to actually enjoy it. I spend more time feeling guilty about buying it and think of all of the things I could have gotten someone else with the money!!
2. How well do you know your neighbors?
Funny you should ask, I actually have been meaning to suggest this question for FQF! I'm curious to see if we are odd, non-social people or if it's common to really not associate with your neighbors. I mean, don't get me wrong I've had the occasional run in with the guy across the street. It goes something like this "Hey, can you stop parking your car on the street?" Really not the most pleasant of conversations. BUT we did finally make friends with our next door neighbors! It's 2 younger guys and they actually go to our church. They are super nice. Getting to know them at least helped my anti-social fear subside a bit.
3. What age are you looking forward to being?
Ummm...?! 100? That's quite a milestone.
4. Do you get excited when the mail comes? Why?
Only if I'm expecting something. Otherwise I let Justin get the mail and 9 times out of 10 it's bills. On the other hand, I love to send people mail. I like brightening someone's day with a simple card or care package.
5. What is your earliest childhood memory?
I really don't remember anything until I was about 4 or 5. I don't remember a particular instance, but just vague memories of spending the summers by the pool and eating those orange Flintstones push-ups. YUM! Do they still make those?!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pink & Green Thursday: Comical Relief

Instead of working, I'd rather be...

riding this pretty pink bike...

cooking in this pretty pink kitchen...

taking pictures with this pretty pink camera...

milking this pretty pink cow, uh I mean...

images via

I'm delirious from all of this overtime at work. Please forgive this stretch of an excuse for a Pink & Green Thursday post. At least I had fun doing it. (That's what she said) 


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Birthday Poll

Okay y'all - I need your opinions:

My baby girl (I can still call her that right?) is going to be two!! in 2 1/2 months. GASP. Well, I've been planning her birthday party for at least 4 months now and have decided on the place and a few other things.

But, I need your help on something. There is a new thing out and maybe y'all have heard of it and maybe you haven't - birthday wish lists?! They are like bridal/baby registries, only for birthdays. There is now a poll on my blog and I'd love for you all to give me your input. I really can't decide if that's tacky (you know like, 'hey buy me this or I don't want your gift') or helpful (before I had a child I would of have no clue what to buy a toddler). So, please vote and help me make my decision on whether or not to create a birthday wishlist for Madi T!

I'll go into more details about her birthday party closer to the date. :)

Oh and what's all of this talk about Fall being here? It was 98 degrees today!!! 98!!!! Fall is far away I'm afraid.

Xoxo and thanks in advance!!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday: Fall Favorites

Is it really Tuesday??

Top 2 Favorite Things about Fall!

#1 - Black & White Hot chocolate from Starbucks

This stuff kills my waistline, but oh my gosh it's delicious!!

#2 - Hoodies & Jeans

I'm not gonna lie. I love to wear a hoodie and a pair of jeans. It's just so cozy. It may not be cute but I could live in it.

images via

Click the button to join in!


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